Bacteria & Gram Staining FYBSc Microbiology MCQs Set-3

microbiology mcqs

1:Which of the following genera is most likely to contain organisms capable of surviving high temperatures?

(a) Vibrio 
(b) Pseudomonas 
(c) Torula 
(d) Coxiella

Answer:(c) Torula 

2: The major role of minor elements inside living organisms is to act as 

(a) Co-factors of enzymes 
(b) Building blocks of important amino acids 
(c) Constituents of hormones 
(d) Binder of cell structure

Answer:(a) Co-factors of enzymes 

3:The apparatus used to ma inta in a continuous culture

(a) Chemostat 
(b) Autostat 
(c) Thermostat 
(d) Both a and c

Answer:(a) Chemostat 

4:The test used to detect the deamination of the amino acids by bacteria

(a) Nessler’s reagent test 
(b) Proteolytic test 
(c) Lactose test 
(d) Rose indole reagent test

Answer:(a) Nessler’s reagent test 

5:Diphtheria is caused by

(a) Corynebacterium 
(b) Staphylococcus 
(c) Streptococcus 
(d) None of these

Answer:(a) Corynebacterium 

6:Koplik spots observed in the mucous membrane is characteristic feature of the disease

(a) Rubella 
(b) Measles 
(c) Mumps 
(d) Influenza

Answer:(c) Mumps 

7:A bacterium containing prophage is called as 

(a) Lytic
(b) Lysogen 
(c) Lytogen 
(d) None of these

Answer:(b) Lysogen 

8: The most infectious food borne disease is

(a) Tetanus 
(b) Dysentery 
(c) Gas gangrene 
(d) Botulism 

Answer:(d) Botulism 

9:An example for common air borne epidemic disease

(a) Influenza 
(b) Typhoid 
(c) Encephalitis 
(d) Malaria

Answer:(a) Influenza 

10:Viral genome can become integrated into the bacterial genomes are known as

(a) Prophage 
(b) Temperate Phage 
(c) Bacteriophage 
(d) Metaphage

Answer:(b) Temperate Phage 

11:Rancidity of stored foods is due to the activity of 

(a) Toxigenic microbes 
(b) Proteolytic microbes 
(c) Saccharolytic microbes 
(d) Lipolytic microbes

Answer:(d) Lipolytic microbes

12:Virion means 

(a) Infectious virus particles 
(b) Non-infectious particles 
(c) Incomplete particles 
(d) Defective virus particles

Answer:(c) Incomplete particles 

13:Virulence of the microorganisms can be reduced by

(a) Attenuation 
(b) A virulence 
(c) Inactivation 
(d) Freezing 

Answer:(a) Attenuation 

14:The test used for detection of typhoid fever 

(a) WIDAL test
(b) ELISA 
(c) Rose Waaler test 
(d) Western Blotting

Answer:(a) WIDAL test

15:Bacteriophage capable of only lytic growth is called

(a) Temperate 
(b) Avirulent 
(c) Virulent 
(d) None of these

Answer:(a) Temperate 

16:Diphtheria bacillus is otherwise known as

(a) Fried-Landers bacillus 
(b) Kleb’s hofflers bacillus
(c) Frchs bacillus 
(d) Koch’s bacillus

Answer:(b) Kleb’s hofflers bacillus

17:Acridine dyes are more effective against 

(a) Gram positive 
(b) Gram negative 
(c) Ricke Hsia 
(d) Mycoplasma

Answer:(a) Gram positive 

18:In bacteria pigment bearing structures are 

(a) Chloroplast 
(b) Protoplast 
(c) Spheroplast 
(d) Chromatophores

Answer:(d) Chromatophores

19:The procedure of differential staining of bacteria was developed by

(a) A.H. Gram 
(b) H.C. Gram 
(c) N.C. Gram 
(d) H.A. Gram

Answer:(b) H.C. Gram 

20:Intermediate group of pathogen between bacteria and viruses which are intracellular parasites are called

(a) Mycoplasmas 
(b) Rickettsias
(c) Prions 
(d) Virusoids

Answer:(b) Rickettsias

21:Bacillus is an example of 

(a) Gram positive bacteria 
(b) Gram negative bacteria 
(c) Virus 
(d) Viroid

Answer:(a) Gram positive bacteria 

22:Amoebic dysentery in humans is caused by 

(a) Plasmodium 
(b) Paramecium 
(c) Yeast 
(d) Entamoeba histolytica

Answer:(d) Entamoeba histolytica

23:Viral genome that can become integrated into bacterial genome is called 

(a) Prophage 
(b) Temperate phage 
(c) Bacteriophage 
(d) Metaphage

Answer:(a) Prophage 

24:Cytochromes are 

(a) Oxygen acceptors
(b) ATP acceptors 
(c) Electron acceptors 
(d) Protein acceptors

Answer:(c) Electron acceptors 

25:The cell ls having F plasmaid in the chromosomes were termed as 

(a) Hfr 
(b) F– 
(c) Hbr 
(d) C+

Answer:(a) Hfr 

26:Recombination process occurring through the mediation of phages is 

(a) Conjunction 
(b) Transduction 
(c) Transformation 
(d) Transfection

Answer:(b) Transduction 

27:Mordant used in grams staining is 

(a) Crystal violet 
(b) Iodine 
(c) Safranin 
(d) All of these

Answer:(b) Iodine 

28:Parasitic form must contain 

(a) Capsule 
(b) Cell-wall 
(c) Endospores 
(d) Flagella

Answer:(b) Cell-wall 

29: Gram staining is an example for 

(a) Simple staining 
(b) Differential staining 
(c) Negative staining 
(d) None of these

Answer:(d) None of these

30:Following Cocci are non-motile except 

(a) Staphylococcus 
(b) Meningococcus 
(c) Gonococcus
(d) Rhodococcus agilis

Answer:(a) Staphylococcus 

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