Environmental Microbiology BSc MCQs Set-1

Environmental Microbiology

(1) As soon as any smutted whips of sugar cane are seen, the farmer should

(A) Burn the plant at site 
(B) Spray the fungicide on leaf
(C) Collect the part in bag and dipped in boiling water 
(D) Uproot the plant

Answer:(C) Collect the part in bag and dipped in boiling water 

(2) Which of the following is symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria?

(A) Clostridium sp. 
(B) Rhizobium 
(C) Azotobacter 
(D) All of these

Answer:(B) Rhizobium

(3) Tikka disease of groundnut is generally ………

(A) Vector transmitted 
(B) Soil borne
(C) Transmitted through irrigation water
(D) Air borne

Answer:(B) Soil borne

(4) Which of the following is not a soil horizon?

(A) O horizon 
(B) A horizon
(C) C horizon 
(D) S horizon

Answer:(D) S horizon

(5) Inherent capacity of plant that enables it to prevent the entry of pathogen is called as

(A) Modification of host 
(B) Plant immunization
(C) Modification of reservoirs 
(D) Plant resistance

Answer:(D) Plant resistance

(6) In response to infectious pathogen, plant produce phytoalexins, it ——— type of plant protection mechanism

(A) Resistance 
(B) Modification of vector population
(C) Microbial amensalism 
(D) Immunization

Answer:(D) Immunization

(7) Phytoremediation means use of …………… for bioremediation.

(A) plastic 
(B) plants
(C) photons 
(D) All of these

Answer:(B) plants

(8) Which soils are formed by the sediments brought down by the rivers?

(A) Laterite 
(B) Alluvial 
(C) Black 
(D) None of these

Answer:(B) Alluvial

(9) Hyperplasia refers to —–

(A) Increased cell division 
(B) Cell enlargement
(C) Cell death 
(D) Decreased cell division

Answer:(A) Increased cell division

(10) ——— is an ulcer like lesion on fruits, leaves and stem that results from overgrowth of cortical & epidermal cell.

(A) Dwarfing 
(B) Smuts 
(C) Scab 
(D) Rosetting

Answer:(C) Scab

(11) Mycology is the study of —–

(B) Fungi 
(C) Bryophytes 
(D) Pteridophytes

Answer:(B) Fungi

(12) Citrus canker disease caused by ——

(A) Fusarium oxysporum 
(B) Vitis vinifera L
(C) Xanthomonas citri 
(D) None of these

Answer:(C) Xanthomonas citri

(13) ………….. soils characterized by cracks in summer & bumps in rains.

(A) Latosol 
(B) Vertisol 
(C) Laterite 
(D) Both A & B

Answer:(B) Vertisol 

(14) The name of ’ Smut Disease’ is given to those produced by ustilago because,

(A) its mycelium is black in colour 
(B) its parasitizes cereals
(C) in host becomes completely black 
(D) fungus produces black sooty spore masses

Answer:(D) fungus produces black sooty spore masses

(15) In plant diseases BBTV stands for ……………

(A) Banana Bunchy Top Viral disease 
(B) Brinjal Bunchy Top Vaccine
(C) banana Brinjal Transgenic vaccine
(D) Banana Baseline Top Vaccine

Answer:(A) Banana Bunchy Top Viral disease

(16) Which of the following solid waste describe the term ‘ Municipal Solid Waste’?

(A) hazardous 
(B) nonhazardous 
(C) toxic 
(D) all of these

Answer:(B) nonhazardous

(17) Wilt of cotton caused by —–

(A) Arachis hypogea L 
(B) Fusarium oxysporum
(C) Ustilago scitaminea 
(D) Xanthomonas

Answer:(B) Fusarium oxysporum

(18) Whip smut of sugarcane is caused by —-

(A) Ustilago nudo 
(B) Ustilago hordei
(C) Urocyotis cepulae 
(D) Ustilago scitaminea

Answer:(D) Ustilago scitaminea

(19) Which soil is suitable for the growth of cotton?

(A) Black 
(B) Alluvial 
(C) Desert 
(D) Marine deposit

Answer:(A) Black 

(20) Which of them is Gram negative bacterial plant pathogen?

(A) Corynebacterium 
(B)Fusarium oxysporum
(C) Xanthomonas 
(D) Plasmopara viticola

Answer:(C) Xanthomonas

(21) Insecticides kills …………….

(A) useful insects 
(B) harmful insects
(C) both useful and harmful insects 
(D) specific insects only

Answer:(C) both useful and harmful insects

(22) Most of the plant virus transmitted by —–

(A) Whiteflies
(B) Planthopper 
(C) Leaf hopper 
(D) Aphids

Answer:(D) Aphids

(23) Leaf spot or tikka disease of groundnut is caused by —–

(A) Plasmopara viticola 
(B)  Cercospora personatum
(C) Fusarium oxysporum 
(D) Derchslera graminea

Answer:(B)  Cercospora personatum

(24) Plant viruses move on from cell to cell through —–

(A) Stomata 
(B) Lenticels 
(C) Cuticle 
(D) Plasmodesmata

Answer:(D) Plasmodesmata

(25) A carbamate pesticide is …………..

(A) propoxur 
(B) simazine 
(C) atrazine 
(D) all of these

Answer:(A) propoxur

(26) First symptom of Downy mildew fungal infection of grapes is —–

(A) Spots on grapes 
(B)Yellowish specks on leaves
(C) Drying of plant 
(D) Swollen stem

Answer:(B)Yellowish specks on leaves

(27) Fusarium produces —–

(A) Macroconidia
(B) Microconidia 
(C) Chlamydospores
(D) All of above

Answer:(D) All of above

(28) BBTV is viral disease caused by —-

(A) Double stranded DNA 
(B) Single stranded RNA
(C) Single stranded DNA 
(D) Double stranded RNA

Answer:(C) Single stranded DNA 

(29) Which of the following is sulphur containing amino acid?

(A) serine 
(B) cysteine 
(C) alanine 
(D) all of these

Answer:(B) cysteine

(30) Excessive amount of nutrients( as nitrogen) in a lake causes dense growth of algae is called …………………

(A) eutrophication 
(B) nitrification 
(C) sedimentation 
(D) both A & B

Answer:(A) eutrophication

(31) ………….. involves the modification of the environment to stimulate existing bacteria capable of bioremediation.

(B) neurostimulation 
(C) biosourc ing 
(D) all of these


(32) Disease which interferes with the conduction of water in plants

(A) Rots 
(B) Wilts 
(C) Leaf spots 
(D) Mildew

Answer:(B) Wilts 

(33) Citrus canker symptoms appears on ——

(A) Leaves 
(B) Fruits 
(C) Branches 
(D) All of the above

Answer:(D) All of the above

(34) The conversion of N2 to NH3 is ——-

(A) Nitrogen fixation 
(B) Nitrification 
(C) Denitrification 
(D) Nitrogen reduction

Answer:(A) Nitrogen fixation

(35) A process using microbes to convert toxic waste to non-toxic or less toxic compound is called as …………..

(A) precipitation 
(B) bioremediation
(C) complement fixation 
(D) agglutination

Answer:(B) bioremediation

(36) The microorganism secrete an enzyme which helps in the digestion of cellulose is known as ………….

(A) catalase 
(B) sucrose 
(C) pepsin 
(D) cellulase

Answer:(D) cellulase

(37) The low and high molecular compounds that resist biodegradation are called ——

(A) Xenobiotic 
(B) Hydrocarbon 
(C) Recalcitrant 
(D) Organic compound

Answer:(C) Recalcitrant 

(38) The multilayered gaseous envelope surrounding the planet earth is called ……………………

(A) Atmosphere 
(B) rhizosphere 
(C) rhizoplane 
(D) both B & C

Answer:(A) Atmosphere

(39) Cellulose consist of glucose linked by —–

(A) α 1,4 linkage 
(B) α 1,6 linkage 
(C) β 1,4 linkage 
(D) β 1,6 linkage

Answer:(C) β 1,4 linkage

(40) Cellulose constitutes the important part of a plant cell called …………

(A) cell wall 
(B) mitochondria 
(C) golgi complex 
(D) lysosome

Answer:(A) cell wall

(41) ………… refers to the small area around the root.

(A) Atmosphere 
(B) Rhizosphere 
(C) Green house 
(D) Metacarpal

Answer:(B) Rhizosphere 

(42) Which are the most primitive group of algae

(A) Red algae 
(B) Brown algae 
(C) Blue green algae 
(D) Green algae

Answer:(C) Blue green algae

(43) Alluvial soil is deficient in

(A) Calcium carbonate 
(B) Iron 
(C) Humus 
(D) nitrogen

Answer:(C) Humus

(44) The dominant mineral particles in most soils are compounds of —-

(A) Sodium 
(B) Potassium 
(C) Magnesium 
(D) Iron

Answer:(D) Iron

(45) Xenobiotics are metabolized mainly in the ………….

(A) heart
(B) liver 
(C) mitochondria 
(D) brain

Answer:(B) liver 

(46) Plasmopara viticola is a type of ……………….

(A) virus 
(B) bacteria 
(C) fungus 
(D) Acid fast bacteria

Answer:(C) fungus

(47) Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as —–

(A) Hydrosphere 
(B) Atmosphere 
(C) Biosphere 
(D) Lithosphere

Answer:(C) Biosphere

(48) Whip smut is a disease of ……………

(A) wheat 
(B) sugarcane 
(C) maize 
(D) rice

Answer:(B) sugarcane

(49) Bioaugmentation involves …………….

(A) addition of microbes to cleanup site\
(B) removal of microbes to clean site
(C) plant usage for bioremediation
(D) none of these

Answer:(A) addition of microbes to cleanup site

(50) Nitrogen gets oxidized in to,

(A) Urea & nitrate 
(B) Nitrates & nitrites
(C) Nitrates & ammonia 
(D) Ammonia & urea

Answer:(B) Nitrates & nitrites

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