Most Asked 24 Django Interview Questions and Answers

Basic Django Interview Questions

1. So what is Django?

Django is an open-source web application framework written in Python. Developed in a fast-paced newsroom, Django enables the rapid development of easily maintainable and secure websites. It’s a favorite of newbies and advanced programmers alike.

2. Is Django named after that Quentin Tarantino movie?

No, Django is named after Django Reinhardt, a jazz guitarist from the 1930s to the early 1950s who is considered one of the best guitarists of all time.

3. What are Django’s most prominent features?

Programmers like Django mostly for its convenient features like:

  • Optimized for SEO
  • Extremely fast
  • A loaded framework that features authentications, content administrations and RSS feeds
  • Exceptionally scalable to meet the heaviest traffic demand
  • Highly secure
  • Versatility, enabling you to create many different types of websites

4. Can you name some companies that use Django?

Some of the more well-known companies that use Django include:’

  • Instagram
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • YouTube

5. Why do web developers prefer Django?

Web developers use Django because it:

  • Allows code modules to be divided into logical groups, making them flexible to change
  • Provides an auto-generated web admin module to ease website administration
  • Provides a pre-packaged API for common user tasks
  • Enables developers to define a given function’s URL
  • Allows users to separate business logic from the HTML
  • Is written in Python, one of the most popular programming languages available today
  • Gives you a system to define the HTML template for your web page, avoiding code duplication

6. What is CRUD?

It has nothing to do with dirt or grime. It’s a handy acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It’s a mnemonic framework used to remind developers on how to construct usable models when building application programming interfaces (APIs).

7. Does Django have any drawbacks?

Django’s disadvantages include:

  • Its monolithic size makes it unsuitable for smaller projects
  • Everything hinges on Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  • Everything must be explicitly defined due to a lack of convention

8. What does Django architecture look like?

Django architecture consists of:

  • Models. Describes the database schema and data structure
  • Views. Controls what a user sees. The view retrieves data from appropriate models, executes any calculations made, and passes it on to the template
  • Templates. Controls how the user sees the pages. It describes how the data received from the views need to be altered or formatted to display on the page
  • Controller. Made up of the Django framework and URL parsing

After going through some of the basic Django interview questions and answers, it is time we increase the difficulty level with the intermediate Django interview questions and answers.

Intermediate Django Interview Questions

9. In Django’s context, what’s the difference between a project and an app?

The project covers the entire application, while an app is a module or application within the project that deals with one dedicated requirement. So, a project consists of several apps, while an app features in multiple projects.

10. What’s a model in Django?

A model consists of all the necessary fields and attributes of your stored data. They are a single, definitive source of information regarding your data.

11. What are Django’s templates?

Django templates render information in a designer-friendly format to present to the user. Using the Django Template Language (DTL), a user can generate HTML dynamically. Django templates consist of simple text files that can create any text-based format such as XML, CSV, and HTML.

12. Discuss Django’s Request/Response Cycle.

Starting the process off, the Django server receives a request. The server then looks for a matching URL in the URL patterns defined for the project. If the server can’t find a matching URL, it produces a 404-status code. If the URL matches, it executes the corresponding code in the view file associated with the URL and sends a response.

13. What is the Django Admin interface?

Django comes equipped with a fully customizable, built-in admin interface. This portal lets developers see and make changes to all the data residing in the database that contains registered apps and models. The model must be registered in the file to use a database table with the admin interface.

14. How do you install Django?

Users download and install Python per the operating system used by the host machine. Then run the command pip install “django>=2.2,<3” on the terminal and wait for the installation to finish.

15. How do you check which version of Django that you have installed on your system?

You can check the version by opening the command prompt and entering the command:

Python-m Django–version

You can also visit the Django homepage and look at the “Download latest release” button located on the right of the page.

16. What are signals in Django?

Signals are pieces of code containing information about what is currently going on. A dispatcher is used to both send and listen for signals.

Advanced Django Interview Questions

17. What is the Django Rest Framework?

The Django Rest Framework (DRF) is a framework that helps you quickly create RESTful APIs. They are ideal for web applications due to low bandwidth utilization.

18. What do you use middleware for in Django?

You use middleware for four different functions:

  • Content Gzipping
  • Cross-site request forgery protection
  • Session management
  • Use authentication

19. What does a URLs-config file contain?

The URLs-config file in Django contains a list of URLs and mappings created to view those URLs’ functions. The URLs can map to view functions, class-based views, and the URLs-config of other applications.

20. Does Django support multiple-column primary keys?

No, Django supports only single-column primary keys.

21. How can you see raw SQL queries running in Django?

To begin, make sure that the DEBUG setting is set to True. If the setting is squared away, then type the following commands:

1) from Django.db import connection

2) connection.queries

22. List several caching strategies supported by Django.

Django supports these caching strategies:

  • Database caching
  • In-memory caching
  • File System Caching
  • Memcached 

23. What is a QuerySet in the context of Django?

QuerySet is a collection of SQL queries. The command print(b.query) shows you the SQL query created from the Django filter call.

24. What do you use django.test.Client class for?

The Client class acts like a dummy web browser, enabling users to test views and interact with Django-powered applications programmatically. This is especially useful when performing integration testing.