Most Asked Soft Computing and Optimisations Algorithms MCQs For Computer Engineering

1. GA stands for

A: genetic algorithm
B: genetic assurance
C: genese algorithm
D: none of these

Answer: genetic algorithm

2. LCS stands for

A: learning classes system
B: learning classifier systems
C: learned class system
D: none of these

Answer: learning classifier systems

3. GBML stands for

A: Genese based Machine learning
B: Genes based mobile learning
C: Genetic based machine learning
D: none of these

Answer: Genetic based machine learning

4. EV is dominantly used for solving ___.

A: optimization problems
B: NP problem
C: simple problems
D: none of these

Answer: optimization problems

5. EV is considered as?

A: adaptive
B: complex
C: both a and b
D: none of these

Answer: both a and b

6. Parameters that affect GA

A: initial population
B: selection process
C: fitness function
D: all of these

Answer: all of these

7. Fitness function should be

A: maximum
B: minimum
C: intermediate
D: none of these

Answer: minimum

8. Genetic algorithms are example of

A: heuristic
B: Evolutionary algorithm

Answer: Evolutionary algorithm

9. Applying recombination and mutation leads to a set of new candidates, called as?

A: sub parents
B: parents
C: offsprings
D: grandchild

ANSWER: offsprings

10. ____ decides who becomes parents and how many children the parents have.

A: parent combination
B: Parent selection
C: Parent mutation
D: Parent replace

Answer: Parent selection

11. Basic elements of EA are?

A: Parent Selection methods
B: Survival Selection methods
C: both a and b
D: none of these

Answer: both a and b

12. There are also other operators, more linguistic in nature, called __________ that can be applied to fuzzy set theory.

A: Hedges
B: Lingual Variable
C: Fuzz Variable
D: None of the mentioned

Answer: Hedges

13. A fuzzy set has a membership function whose membership values are strictly monotonically increasing or strictly monotonically decreasing or strictly monotonically increasing than strictly monotonically decreasing with increasing values for elements in the universe

A: convex fuzzy set
B: concave fuzzy set
C: Non-Concave Fuzzy set
D: Non-Convex Fuzzy set

Answer: convex fuzzy set

14. Which of the following neural networks uses supervised learning?

(A) Multilayer perceptron
(B) Self organizing feature map
(C) Hopfield network

A: (A) only
B: (B) only
C: (A) and (B) only
D: (A) and (C) only

Answer: (A) only

15. What is the feature of ANNs due to which they can deal with noisy, fuzzy, inconsistent data?

A: associative nature of networks
B: distributive nature of networks
C: both associative & distributive
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: both associative & distributive

16. Feature of ANN in which ANN creates its own organization or representation of information it receives during learning time is

A: Adaptive Learning
B: Self Organization
C: What-If Analysis
D: Supervised Learning

Answer: Self Organization

17. Any soft-computing methodology is characterized by

A: Precise solution
B: control actions are unambiguous and accurate
C: control actions is formally defined
D: an algorithm which can easily adapt with the change of dynamic environment

Answer: an algorithm which can easily adapt with the change of dynamic environment

18. For what purpose Feedback neural networks are primarily used?

A: classification
B: feature mapping
C: pattern mapping
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: none of the mentioned

19. Operations in the neural networks can perform what kind of operations?

A: serial
B: parallel
C: serial or parallel
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: serial or parallel

20. What is ART in neural networks?

A: automatic resonance theory
B: artificial resonance theory
C: adaptive resonance theory
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: adaptive resonance theory

21. The values of the set membership is represented by ___________

A: Discrete Set
B: Degree of truth
C: Probabilities
D: Both Degree of truth & Probabilities

Answer: Degree of truth

22. Given U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} A = {(3, 0.7), (5, 1), (6, 0.8)} then A will be: (where ~ →complement)

A: {(4, 0.7), (2,1), (1,0.8)}
B: {(4, 0.3.): (5, 0), (6. 0.2) }
C: {(l, 1), (2, 1), (3, 0.3), (4,1), (6,0.2), (7, 1)}
D: {(3, 0.3), (6.0.2)}

Answer: {(l, 1), (2, 1), (3, 0.3), (4,1), (6,0.2), (7, 1)}

23. What are the following sequence of steps taken in designing a fuzzy logic machine ?

A: Fuzzification → Rule evaluation → Defuzzification
B: Fuzzification → Defuzzification → Rule evaluation
C: Rule evaluation → Fuzzification → Defuzzification
D: Rule evaluation → Defuzzification → Fuzzification

Answer: Fuzzification → Rule evaluation → Defuzzification

24. If A and B are two fuzzy sets with membership functions μA(x) = {0.6, 0.5, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8} μB(x) = {0.9, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5} Then the value of μ(A∪B)’(x) will be

A: {0.9, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8}
B: {0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.5}
C: {0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2}
D: {0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3}

Answer: {0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2}

25. Compute the value of adding the following two fuzzy integers: A = {(0.3,1), (0.6,2), (1,3), (0.7,4), (0.2,5)} B = {(0.5,11), (1,12), (0.5,13)} Where fuzzy addition is defined as μA+B(z) = maxx+y=z (min(μA(x), μB(x))) Then, f(A+B) is equal to

A: {(0.5,12), (0.6,13), (1,14), (0.7,15), (0.7,16), (1,17), (1,18)}
B: {(0.5,12), (0.6,13), (1,14), (1,15), (1,16), (1,17), (1,18)}
C: {(0.3,12), (0.5,13), (0.5,14), (1,15), (0.7,16), (0.5,17), (0.2,18)}
D: {(0.3,12), (0.5,13), (0.6,14), (1,15), (0.7,16), (0.5,17), (0.2,18)}

Answer: {(0.3,12), (0.5,13), (0.6,14), (1,15), (0.7,16), (0.5,17), (0.2,18)}

26. A U (B U C) =

A: (A ∩ B) ∩ (A ∩ C)
B: (A ∪ B ) ∪ C
C: (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C)
D: B ∩ A ∪ C

Answer: (A ∪ B ) ∪ C

27. Consider a fuzzy set A defined on the interval X = [0, 10] of integers by the membership Junction μA(x) = x / (x+2) Then the α cut corresponding to α = 0.5 will be

A: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
B: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
C: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
D: None of the above

Answer: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

28. The fuzzy proposition “IF X is E then Y is F” is a

A: conditional unqualified proposition
B: unconditional unqualified proposition
C: conditional qualified proposition
D: unconditional qualified proposition

Answer: conditional unqualified proposition

29. Choose the correct statement

1. A fuzzy set is a crisp set but the reverse is not true
2. If A,B and C are three fuzzy sets defined over the same universe of discourse such that A ≤ B and B ≤ C and A ≤ C
3. Membership function defines the fuzziness in a fuzzy set irrespecive of the elements in the set, which are discrete or continuous

A: 1 only
B: 2 and 3
C: 1,2 and 3
D: None of these

Answer: 2 and 3

30. An equivalence between Fuzzy vs Probability to that of Prediction vs Forecasting is

A: Fuzzy ≈ Prediction
B: Fuzzy ≈ Forecasting
C: Probability ≈ Forecasting
D: None of these

Answer: Fuzzy ≈ Forecasting

31. Both fuzzy logic and artificial neural network are soft computing techniques because

A: Both gives precise and accurate result
B: ANN gives accurate result, but fuzzy logic does not
C: In each, no precise mathematical model of problem is acquired
D: Fuzzy gives exact result but ANN does not

Answer: In each, no precise mathematical model of problem is acquired

32. A fuzzy set whose membership function has at least one element x in the universe whose membership value is unity is called

A: subnormal fuzzy sets
B: normal fuzzy set
C: convex fuzzy set
D: concave fuzzy set

Answer: normal fuzzy set

33. —– defines logic funtion of two prepositions

A: prepositions
B: Linguistic hedges
C: truth tables
D: inference rules

Answer: truth tables

34. In fuzzy propositions, —gives an approximate idea of the number of elements of a subset fulfilling certain conditions

A: Fuzzy predicate and predicate modifiers
B: Fuzzy quantifiers
C: Fuzzy qualifiers
D: All of the above

Answer: Fuzzy quantifiers

35. Multiple conjuctives antecedents is method of —– in FLC

A: decomposition rule
B: formation of rule
C: truth tables
D: All of the above

Answer: decomposition rule

36. Multiple disjuctives antecedents is method of —– in FLC

A: decomposition rule
B: formation of rule
C: truth tables
D: All of the above

Answer: decomposition rule

37. IF x is A and y is B then z=c (c is constant), is

A: rule in zero-order FIS
B: rule in first-order FIS
C: both a and b
D: neither a nor b

Answer: rule in zero-order FIS

38. A fuzzy set wherein no membership function has its value equal to 1 is called

A: normal fuzzy set
B: subnormal fuzzy set
C: convex fuzzy set
D: concave fuzzy set

Answer: subnormal fuzzy set

39. Mamdani’s Fuzzy inference method was designed to attempt what?

A: Control any two combinations of any two products by synthesising a set of linguistic control rules obtained from experienced human operations.
B: Control any two combinations of any two products by synthesising a set of linguistic control rules obtained from experienced human operations.
C: Control a steam engine and a boiler combination by synthesising a set of linguistic control rules obtained from experienced human operations.
D: Control a air craft and fuel level combination by synthesising a set of linguistic control rules obtained from experienced human operations.

Answer: Control a steam engine and a boiler combination by synthesising a set of linguistic control rules obtained from experienced human operations.

40. What Are The Two Types Of Fuzzy Inference Systems?

A: Model-Type and SystemType
B: Momfred-type and Semigitype
C: Mamdani-type and Sugeno-type
D: Mihni-type and Sujganitype

Answer: Mamdani-type and Sugeno-type

41. What Is Another Name For Fuzzy Inference Systems?

A: Fuzzy Expert system
B: Fuzzy Modelling
C: Fuzzy Logic Controller
D: All of the above

Answer: All of the above

42. In Evolutionary programming, survival selection is

A: Probabilistic selection (μ+μ) selection
B: (μ, λ)- selection based on the children only (μ+λ)- selection based on both the set of parent and children
C: Children replace the parent
D: All the mentioned

Answer: Probabilistic selection (μ+μ) selection

43. In Evolutionary strategy, survival selection is

A: Probabilistic selection (μ+μ) selection
B: (μ, λ)- selection based on the children only (μ+λ)- selection based on both the set of parent and children
C: Children replace the parent
D: All the mentioned

Answer: (μ, λ)- selection based on the children only (μ+λ)- selection based on both the set of parent and children

44. In Evolutionary programming, recombination is

A: does not use recombination to produce offspring. It only uses mutation
B: uses recombination such as cross over to produce offspring
C: uses various recombination operators
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: does not use recombination to produce offspring. It only uses mutation

45. In Evolutionary strategy, recombination is

A: does not use recombination to produce offspring. It only uses mutation
B: uses recombination such as cross over to produce offspring
C: uses various recombination operators
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: uses recombination such as cross over to produce offspring

46. Step size in non-adaptive EP

A: deviation in step sizes remain static
B: deviation in step sizes change over time using some deterministic function
C: deviation in step size change dynamically
D: size=1

Answer: deviation in step sizes remain static

47. Step size in dynamic EP

A: deviation in step sizes remain static
B: deviation in step sizes change over time using some deterministic function
C: deviation in step size change dynamically
D: size=1

Answer: deviation in step sizes change over time using some deterministic function

48. Step size in self-adaptive EP

A: deviation in step sizes remain static
B: deviation in step sizes change over time using some deterministic function
C: deviation in step size change dynamically
D: size=1

Answer: deviation in step size change dynamically

49. What are normally the two best measurement units for an evolutionary algorithm?

1. Number of evaluations
2. Elapsed time
3. CPU Time
4. Number of generations

A: 1 and 2
B: 2 and 3
C: 3 and 4
D: 1 and 4

Answer: 1 and 4

50. Evolutionary Strategies (ES)

A: (µ,λ): Select survivors among parents and offspring
B: (µ+λ): Select survivors among parents and offspring
C: (µ-λ): Select survivors among offspring only
D: (µ:λ): Select survivors among offspring only

Answer: (µ+λ): Select survivors among parents and offspring

51. In Evolutionary programming,

A: Individuals are represented by real-valued vector
B: Individual solution is represented as a Finite State Machine
C: Individuals are represented as binary string
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: Individual solution is represented as a Finite State Machine

52. In Evolutionary Strategy,

A: Individuals are represented by real-valued vector
B: Individual solution is represented as a Finite State Machine
C: Individuals are represented as binary string
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: Individuals are represented by real-valued vector

53. (1+1) ES

A: offspring becomes parent if offspring’s fitness is as good as parent of next
B: generation offspring become parent by default
C: offspring never becomes parent
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: offspring becomes parent if offspring’s fitness is as good as parent of next

54. (1+λ) ES

A: λ mutants can be generated from one parent
B: one mutant is generated
C: 2λ mutants can be generated
D: no mutants are generated

Answer: λ mutants can be generated from one parent

55. Termination condition for EA

A: maximally allowed CPU time is elapsed
B: total number of fitness evaluations reaches a given limit
C: population diversity drops under a given threshold
D: All the mentioned

Answer: All the mentioned

56. Which of the following operator is simplest selection operator?

A: Random selection
B: Proportional selection
C: tournament selection
D: none

Answer: Random selection

57. Which crossover operators are used in evolutionary programming?

A: Single-point crossover
B: two-point crossover
C: Uniform crossover
D: evolutionary programming does not use crossover operators

Answer: Revolutionary programming doesnot use crossover operators

58. (1+1) ES

A: Operates on the population size of two
B: operates on population size of one
C: operates on population size of zero
D: operates on population size of λ

Answer: Operates on the population size of two

59. Which of these emphasize of development of behavioral models?

A: Evolutionary programming
B: Genetic programming
C: Genetic algorithm
D: All the mentioned

Answer: Evolutionary programming

60. EP applies which evolutionary operators?

A: variation through application of mutation operators
B: selection
C: both a and b
D: none of the mentioned

Answer: both a and b

61. Which selection strategy works with negative fitness value?

A: Roulette wheel selection
B: Stochastic universal sampling
C: tournament selection
D: Rank selection

Answer: Rank selection

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