NEET Biology Previous Years MCQs Set-6

Q1. Which one of the following statements is correct? 

(1) Placentation in primrose is basal 
(2) In tomato, fruit is a capsule 
(3) Flower of tulip is a modified shoot  
(4) Seeds of orchids have oil-rich endosperm 

Answer: (3) Flower of tulip is a modified shoot

Q2. The technical term used for the androecium in a flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) is: 

(1) Polyandrous 
(2) Monadelphous 
(3) Polyadelphous 
(4) Diadelphous 

Answer: (2) Monadelphous 

Q3. Ovary is half-inferior in the flowers of: 

(1) brinjal 
(2) guava 
(3) cucumber 
(4) plum 

Answer: (4) plum 

Q4. Sweet potato is homologous to 

(1) Ginger 
(2) Potato 
(3) Turnip 
(4) Colocasia 

Answer: (3) Turnip 

Q5. Whorled, simple leaves with reticulate venation are present in 

(1) China rose 
(2) Calotropis 
(3) Alstonia 
(4) Neem 

Answer: (3) Alstonia 

Q6. The ovary is half inferior in flowers of 

(1) cotton 
(2) peach 
(3) guava 
(4) cucumber 

Answer: (2) peach 

Q7. Flowers are zygomorphic in: 

(1) ioruato 
(2) mustard 
(3) Datura 
(4) gulmohur 

Answer: (4) gulmohur 

Q8. How many plants in the list given below have composite fruits that develop from an inflorescence Walnut, poppy, radish, fig, pineapple, apple, tomato, mulberry 

(1) Two 
(2) Four 
(3) Three 
(4) Five 

Answer: (3) Three 

Q9. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of 

(1) Papaver 
(2) Michelia 
(3) Aloe 
(4) Tomato 

Answer: (3) Aloe 

Q10. Phyllode is present in: 

(1) Australian Acacia 
(2) Asparagus 
(3) Opuntia 
(4) Euphorbia 

Answer: (1) Australian Acacia

Q11. Cymose inflorescence is present in: 

(1) Trifolium 
(2) Solanum 
(3) Brassica 
(4) Sesbania 

Answer: (2) Solanum 

Q12. Placentation in tomato and lemon is 

(1) Marginal 
(2) Parietal 
(3) Axile 
(4) Free central 

Answer: (3) Axile 

Q13. In china rose the flowers are: 

(1) Zygomorphic, epigynous with twisted aestivation 
(2) Actinomorphic, epigynous with valvate aestivation 
(3) Actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation 
(4) Zygomorphic, hypogynous with imbricate aestivation 

Answer: (3) Actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation

Q14. How many plants in the list given below have marginal placentation? Mustard, Gram, Tulip, Asparagus, Arhar, Sun hemp, Chilli, Colchicine, Onion, Moong, Pea, Tobacco, Lupin 

(1) Six
(2) Four 
(3) Three 
(4) Five 

Answer: (1) Six

Q15. Which one of the following organisms is correctly matched with its three characteristics? 

(1) Onion: Bulb, Imbricate aestivation, Axile placentation 
(2) Pea: C3 pathway, Endospermic seed, Vexillary aestivation 
(3) Maize: C3 pathway, Closed vascular bundles, Scutellum 
(4) Tomato: Twisted aestivation, Axile placentation, Berry 

Answer: (1) Onion: Bulb, Imbricate aestivation, Axile placentation

Q16. Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the family 

(1) Solanaceae 
(2) Fabaceae 
(3) Brassicaceae 
(4) Asteraceae 

Answer: (2) Fabaceae 

Q17. The coconut water and the edible part of coconut are equivalent to: 

(1) Mesocarp 
(2) Endosperm 
(3) Embryo 
(4) Endocarp 

Answer: (2) Endosperm 

Q18. Inflorescence is racemose in 

(1) Tulip 
(2) Soyabean 
(3) Aloe 
(4) Brinjal 

Answer: (2) Soyabean 

Q19. In a cymose inflorescence the main axis 

(1) Bears a solitary flower 
(2) Terminates in a flower 
(3) Has unlimited growth but lateral branches end in flowers 
(4) Has unlimited growth 

Answer: (2) Terminates in a flower 

Q20. How many plants among China rose, Ocimum, sunflower, mustard, Alstonia, guava, Calotropis and Nerium (Oleander) have opposite phyllotaxy?  

(1) Four 
(2) Two 
(3) Five 
(4) Three 

Answer: (4) Three  

Q21. Among flowers of Calotropis, tulip, Sesbania, Asparagus, Colchicine, Sweet pea, Petunia, Indigofera, Mustard, Soyabean, Tobacco and groundnut how many plants have corolla with valvate aestivation? 

(1) Seven 
(2) Five 
(3) Eight
(4) Six 

Answer: (1) Seven 

Q22. Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunhemp, gram, guava, bean, chilli, plum, petunia, tomato, rose, withania, potato, onion, aloe and tulip how many plants have hypogynous flower ? 

(1) Eighteen 
(2) Ten 
(3) Six 
(4) Fifteen 

Answer: (4) Fifteen 

Q23. Pith and cortex do not differentiate in 

(1) monocot root 
(2) monocot stem 
(3) dicot root 
(4) dicot stem 

Answer: (2) monocot stem

Q24. Cork is formed from 

(1) phloem 
(2) cork cambium (phellogen) 
(3) xylem 
(4) vascular cambium 

Answer: (2) cork cambium (phellogen)

Q25. Which one yields fibres? 

(1) Teak 
(2) Coconut 
(3) Sisso 
(4) Oak 

Answer: (2) Coconut 

Q26. Which meristem helps in increasing girth? 

(1) Primary meristem 
(2) Lateral meristem 
(3) Apical meristem 
(4) Intercalary meristem 

Answer: (2) Lateral meristem

Q27. Tunica corpus theory is connected with 

(1) shoot apex 
(2) root apex
(3) secondary growth 
(4) root cap 

Answer: (1) shoot apex 

Q28. Cork cambium and vascular cambium are 

(1) lateral meristems
(2) parts of secondary xylem and phloem 
(3) apical meristems 
(4) parts of pericycle

Answer: (1) lateral meristems

Q29. Which is the correct fact about diffuse or ring porous wood? 

(1) Ring porous wood carries more water when need is higher  
(2) Ring porous wood, carries more water for short period 
(3) Diffuse porous wood is less specialised but conducts water rapidly throughout 
(4) Diffuse porous wood carries more water 

Answer: (1) Ring porous wood carries more water when need is higher

Q30. Sieve tubes are suited for translocation of food because they possess 

(1) broader lumen and perforated cross walls 
(2) bordered pits 
(3) no protoplasm 
(4) no ends walls 

Answer: (1) broader lumen and perforated cross walls

Q31. Death of protoplasm is a pre-requisite for a vital function like 

(1) absorption of water 
(2) transport of sap 
(3) gaseous exchange 
(4) transport of food 

Answer: (2) transport of sap

Q32. Organisation of stem apex into corpus and tunica is determined mainly by 

(1) rate of cell growth 
(2) planes of cell division 
(3) rate of shoot tip growth 
(4) regions of meristematic activity 

Answer: (2) planes of cell division

Q33. For union between stock and scion in grafting, which one is the first to occur?

(1) Differentiation of new vascular tissues 
(2) Formation of callus 
(3) Regeneration of cortex and epidermis  
(4) Production of plasmodesmata 

Answer: (2) Formation of callus

Q34. Pericycle of roots produces 

(1) vascular bundles 
(2) mechanical support 
(3) adventitious buds 
(4) lateral roots 

Answer: (4) lateral roots

Q35. Collenchyma occurs in 

(1) climbing stems 
(2) herbaceous climbers 
(3) water plants 
(4) woody climbers 

Answer: (1) climbing stems

Q36. Collenchyma occurs in the stem and petioles of 

(1) Dicot herbs 
(2) Xerophytes 
(3) Hydrophytes
(4) Monocots 

Answer: (1) Dicot herbs

Q37. Monocot leaves possess 

(1) apical meristem 
(2) intercalary meristem 
(3) mass meristem 
(4) lateral meristem 

Answer: (2) intercalary meristem 

Q38. An organised and differentiated cellular structure having cytoplasm but no nucleus is 

(1) Sieve tubes 
(2) Vessels 
(3) Tracheids 
(4) Xylem parenchyma 

Answer: (1) Sieve tubes

Q39. Angular collenchyma occurs in 

(1) Althaea 
(2) Cucurbita 
(3) Salvia 
(4) Helianthus 

Answer: (2) Cucurbita 

Q40. Where do the casparian bands occur? 

(1) Pericycle 
(2) Epidermis 
(3) Phloem 
(4) Endodermis 

Answer: (4) Endodermis 

Q41. Vascular cambium produces 

(1) primary xylem and secondary phloem 
(2) primary xylem and primary phloem 
(3) secondary xylem and primary phloem 
(4) secondary xylem and secondary phloem 

Answer: (4) secondary xylem and secondary phloem

Q42. What is true about a monocot leaf 

(1) Mesophyll not differentiated into palisade and spongy tissues 
(2) Reticulate venation 
(3) Well differentiated mesophyll 
(4) Absence of bulliform cells from epidermis 

Answer: (1) Mesophyll not differentiated into palisade and spongy tissues

Q43. Abnormal/anomalous secondary growth occurs in 

(1) Wheat 
(2) Dracaena  
(3) Sunflower 
(4) Ginger 

Answer: (2) Dracaena 

Q44. Bordered pits are found in 

(1) Companion cells 
(2) Sieve cells 
(3) Sieve tube wall 
(4) Vessel wall 

Answer: (4) Vessel wall

Q45. A bicollateral vascular bundle is characterised by 

(1) Longitudinal splitting of vascular bundle 
(2) Phloem being sandwiched between xylem 
(3) Xylem being sandwiched between phloem 
(4) Transverse splitting of vascular bundle 

Answer: (3) Xylem being sandwiched between phloem

Q46. Commercial cork is obtained from 

(1) Quercus/Oak 
(2) Berberis/Barberry 
(3) Betula/Birch 
(4) Salix/Willow 

Answer: (1) Quercus/Oak

Q47. Which is correct about transport or conduction of substances? 

(1) Inorganic food moves upwardly and downwardly through xylem 
(2) Organic food moves up through phloem 
(3) Organic food moves upwardly and downwardly through phloem 
(4) Organic food moves up through phloem 

Answer: (3) Organic food moves upwardly and downwardly through phloem

Q48. As the secondary growth takes place (proceeds) in a tree, thickness of  

(1) both increase 
(2) heart wood increases 
(3) both remain the same 
(4) sap-wood increases 

Answer: (2) heart wood increases

Q49. Procambium forms 

(1) only cork cambium 
(2) only primary vascular bundles 
(3) primary vascular bundles and vascular cambium 
(4) only vascular cambium 

Answer: (2) only primary vascular bundles

Q50. Periderm is produced by 

(1) Phellogen 
(2) Vascular cambium 
(3) Intrafascicular cambium 
(4) Fascicular cambium 

Answer: (1) Phellogen 

Q51. A narrow layer of thin walled cells found between phloem/bark and wood of a dicot is

(1) Endodermis 
(2) Cork cambium 
(3) Pericycle 
(4) Vascular cambium 

Answer: (4) Vascular cambium

Q52. Which exposed wood will decay faster 

(1) Wood with lot of fibres 
(2) Sapwood 
(3) Heartwood 
(4) Softwood

Answer: (2) Sapwood 

Q53. Transition of radial vascular bundle in root to conjoint  vascular bundle in stem occurs in which zone? 

(1) Meristem 
(2) Epicotyl 
(3) At base of stem 
(4) Hypocotyl 

Answer: (4) Hypocotyl 

Q54. Which of the following meristems is responsible for extra stelar secondary growth in the dicotyledonous stem? 

(1) Intercalary meristem 
(2) Intrafascicular cambium 
(3) Phellogen 
(4) Interfascicular cambium 

Answer: (3) Phellogen 

Q55. A leaf primordium grows into the adult leaf lamina by means of 

(1) marginal meristems 
(2) apical meristem 
(3) at first by apical meristem and later largely by marginal meristems. 
(4) lateral meristem 

Answer: (3) at first by apical meristem and later largely by marginal meristems. c

Q56. At maturity which of the following is enucleate? 

(1) Palisade cell 
(2) Sieve cell 
(3) Cortical cell 
(4) Companion cell 

Answer: (2) Sieve cell 

Q57. What is not true about sclereids? 

(1) These are commonly found in the shells of nuts and in the pulp of guava, pear, etc 
(2) These are parenchyma cells with thickened lignified walls 
(3) These are also called the stone cells  
(4) These are elongated and flexible with tapered ends 

Answer: (2) These are parenchyma cells with thickened lignified walls

Q58. Four radial vascular bundles are found in 

(1) dicot stem 
(2) dicot root 
(3) monocot stem 
(4) monocot root 

Answer: (2) dicot root 

Q59. Vessels are found in 

(1) all angiosperms, all gymnosperms and some pteridophyta 
(2) all angiosperms and some gymnosperms 
(3) all pteridophyta 
(4) most of angiosperms and few gymnosperms 

Answer: (4) most of angiosperms and few gymnosperms

Q60. Main function of lenticel is 

(1) gaseous exchange 
(2) transpiration 
(3) bleeding 
(4) guttation 

Answer: (2) transpiration  

Q61. Loading of phloem is related to 

(1) separation of phloem parenchyma 
(2) increases of sugar in phloem 
(3) strengthening of phloem fibre 
(4) elongation of phloem cell 

Answer: (2) increases of sugar in phloem

Q62. What happens during vascularization in plants? 

(1) Differentiation of procambium, xylem and phloem is simultaneous 
(2) Differentiation of procambium is immediately followed by the development of secondary xylem and phloem  
(3) Differentiation of procambium followed by the development of primary phloem and then by primary xylem 
(4) Differentiation of procambium followed by the development of xylem and phloem 

Answer: (4) Differentiation of procambium followed by the development of xylem and phloem

Q63. Chlorenchyma is known to develop in the 

(1) mycelium of a green mould such as Aspergillus 
(2) pollen tube of Pinus 
(3) spore capsule of a moss 
(4) cytoplasm of Chlorella 

Answer: (3) spore capsule of a moss 

Q64. The apical meristem of the root is present 

(1) only in tap roots 
(2) in all the roots 
(3) only in adventitious roots 
(4) only in radicals 

Answer: (2) in all the roots

Q65. The cells of the quiescent centre are characterised by 

(1) having light cytoplasm and small nuclei 
(2) dividing regularly to add to tunica 
(3) dividing regularly to add to the corpus 
(4) having dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei 

Answer: (1) having light cytoplasm and small nuclei

Q66. Which of the following statements is true? 

(1) Vessels are unicellular with wide lumen 
(2) Vessels are multicellular with narrow lumen 
(3) Tracheids are unicellular with wide lumen 
(4) Tracheids are multicellular with narrow lumen 

Answer: (3) Tracheids are unicellular with wide lumen 

Q67. Axillary bud and terminal bud are derived from the activity of  

(1) apical meristem 
(2) lateral meristem 
(3) parenchyma 
(4) intercalary meristem 

Answer: (1) apical meristem

Q68. A common structural feature of vessel elements and sieve tube elements are 

(1) enucleate condition 
(2) pores on lateral walls 
(3) thick secondary walls 
(4) presence of p-protein 

Answer: (1) enucleate condition

Q68. In a woody dicotyledonous tree, which of the following parts will mainly consist of primary tissues? 

(1) Flowers, fruits and leaves 
(2) All parts 
(3) Shoot tips and root tips 
(4) Stem and root 

Answer: (3) Shoot tips and root tips 

Q69. Ectophloic siphonostele is found in 

(1) Adiantum and Cucurbitaceae 
(2) Osmunda and Equisetum 
(3) Dicksonia and Maidenhair fern 
(4) Marsilea and Botrychium 

Answer: (2) Osmunda and Equisetum 

Q70. The most abundant element present in the plants is 

(1) Manganese 
(2) Carbon 
(3) Iron 
(4) Nitrogen 

Answer: (2) Carbon 

Q71. In a longitudinal section of a root, starting from the tip upward, the four zones occur in the following order: 

(1) Cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation, root cap 
(2) Root cap, cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation 
(3) Cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement, root cap 
(4) Root cap, cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement

Answer: (2) Root cap, cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation

Q72. Which one of the following is resistant to enzyme action? 

(1) Pollen exine 
(2) Cork 
(3) Leaf cuticle
(4) Wood fibre 

Answer: (1) Pollen exine

Q73. The length of different internodes in a culm of sugarcane is variable because of 

(1) size of leaf lamina at the node below each internode 
(2) shoot apical meristem 
(3) intercalary meristem 
(4) position of axillary buds 

Answer: (3) intercalary meristem

Q74. Vascular tissues in flowering plants develop from: 

(1) periblem
(2) phellogen
(3) dermatogen
(4) plerome 

Answer: (4) plerome 

Q75. Passage cells are thin walled cells found in 

(1) central region of style through which the pollen tube grows towards the ovary 
(2) phloem elements that serve as entry points for substance for transport to other plant parts  ‘
(3) endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle. 
(4) testa of seeds to enable emergence of growing embryonic axis during seed germination 

Answer: (3) endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle

Q76. For a critical study of secondary growth in plants. Which one of the following pairs is suitable? 

(1) wheat and maidenhair fern 
(2) teak and pine
(3) sugarcane and sunflower. 
(4) deodar and fern 

Answer: (2) teak and pine

Q77. Reduction in vascular tissue, mechanical tissue and cuticle is characteristic of: 

(1) hydrophytes 
(2) mesophytes 
(3) xerophytes 
(4) epiphytes 

Answer: (1) hydrophytes 

Q78. In barley stem vascular bundles are: 

(1) closed and radial 
(2) closed and scattered 
(3) open and scattered 
(4) open and in a ring 

Answer: (2) closed and scattered

Q79. Palisade parenchyma is absent in leaves of: 

(1) gram 
(2) mustard 
(3) sorghum 
(4) soybean 

Answer: (3) sorghum 

Q80. The annular and spirally thickened conducting elements generally develop in the protoxylem when the root or stem is: 

(1) differentiating 
(2) elongating 
(3) maturing 
(4) widening 

Answer: (3) maturing 

Q81. Anatomically fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by 

(1) position of protoxylem 
(2) absence of secondary phloem
(3) absence of secondary xylem 
(4) presence of cortex 

Answer: (1) position of protoxylem

Q82. In land plants, the guard cells differ from other epidermal cells in having: 

(1) endoplasmic reticulum 
(2) cytoskeleton 
(3) chloroplasts 
(4) mitochondria 

Answer: (3) chloroplasts 

Q83. Ground tissue includes 

(1) epidermis and cortex 
(2) all tissues external to endodermis 
(3) all tissues internal to endodermis 
(4) all tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles 

Answer: (4) all tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles

Q84. Heartwood differs from sapwood in: 

(1) having dead and non -conducting elements 
(2) presence of rays and fibres 
(3) being susceptible to pests and pathogens  
(4) absence of vessels and parenchyma 

Answer: (1) having dead and non -conducting elements

Q85. Which one of the following is not a lateral meristem? 

(1) Phellogen 
(2) Intrafascicular cambium 
(3) Intercalary meristem 
(4) Interfascicular cambium 

Answer: (3) Intercalary meristem

Q86. The chief water conducting elements of xylem in gymnosperms are: 

(1) transfusion tissue 
(2) vessels 
(3) tracheids 
(4) fibres 

Answer: (3) tracheids 

Q87. In Kranz anatomy, the bundle sheath cells have 

(1) thin walls, no intercellular spaces and several chloroplasts
(2) thin walls, many intercellular spaces and no chloroplasts 
(3) thick walls, many intercellular spaces and few chloroplasts 
(4) thick walls, no intercellular spaces and large number of chloroplasts 

Answer: (4) thick walls, no intercellular spaces and large number of chloroplasts

Q88. Some vascular bundles are described as open because these 

(1) possess conjunctive tissue between xylem and phloem 
(2) are surrounded by pericycle but not endodermis 
(3) are not surrounded by pericycle 
(4) are capable of producing secondary xylem and phloem 

Answer: (4) are capable of producing secondary xylem and phloem

Q89. Function of companion cells is 

(1) loading of sucrose into sieve elements by passive transport  
(2) providing energy to sieve elements for active transport 
(3) loading of sucrose into sieve elements 
(4) providing water to phloem 

Answer: (3) loading of sucrose into sieve elements

Q90. Which one of the following is wrongly matched? 

(1) Root – Exarch protoxylem 
(2) Root pressure – Guttation 
(3) Cassia – Imbricate aestivation 
(4) Puccinia – Smut 

Answer: (4) Puccinia – Smut

Q91. The cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called: 

(1) periderm 
(2) phelloderm
(3) phellem 
(4) phellogen 

Answer: (1) periderm 

Q92. Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack: 

(1) Thick-walled tracheids 
(2) Cambium
(3) Xylem fibres 
(4) Phloem fibres 

Answer: (3) Xylem fibres

Q93. Water containing cavities in vascular bundles are found in: 

(1) Cycas 
(2) Sunflower 
(3) Pinus 
(4) Maize 

Answer: (4) Maize 

Q94. Closed vascular bundles lack 

(1) Cambium 
(2) Ground tissue 
(3) Pith 
(4) conjunctive tissue 

Answer: (1) Cambium 

Q95. Companion cells are closely associated with: 

(1) Trichomes 
(2) Sieve elements 
(3) Guard cells 
(4) Vessel elements

Answer: (2) Sieve elements

Q96. The common bottle cork is a product of: 

(1) Xylem 
(2) Dermatogen 
(3) Vascular Cambium
(4) Phellogen 

Answer: (4) Phellogen 

Q97. Which of the following statements is not true for stomatal apparatus? 

(1) Guard cells are always surrounded by subsidiary cells 
(2) Inner walls of guard cells are thick 
(3) Stomata are involved in gaseous exchange 
(4) Guard cells invariably possess chloroplasts and mitochondria 

Answer: (1) Guard cells are always surrounded by subsidiary cells 

Q98. Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of: 

(1) Pericycle 
(2) Xylem parenchyma 
(3) Medullary rays
(4) Endodermis 

Answer: (3) Medullary rays

Q99. Lenticels are involved in: 

(1) Photosynthesis 
(2) Gaseous exchange 
(3) Transpiration 
(4) Food transport 

Answer: (2) Gaseous exchange

Q100. Age of a tree can be estimated by: 

(1) diameter of its heartwood 
(2) biomass 
(3) its height and girth 
(4)  number of annual rings

Answer: (4) number of annual rings

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