Phylum Porifera (sponges) FYBSc Zoology MCQs

1:A sponge can be distinguished from other animals by the presence

(a) Hollow bod

(b) coelenteron

(c) choanocytes

(d) dermal papillae

Answer:(c) choanocytes

2:Animal of phylum porifera are characterised by

(a) Diploblastic organisation

(b) canal system

(c) coelom

(d) coelenteron

Answer:(b) canal system

3:Larva of sponge is known as

(a) planula larva

(b) trochophore larva

(c) glochidium larva

(d) amphiblastula larva

Answer:(d) amphiblastula larva

4:Gemmules are helpful in 

(a) digestion

(b) sexual reproduction

(c) Secretion of spicules

(d) Survival in drought

Answer:(d) Survival in drought

5:Most of the sponges are

(a) solitary

(b) colonial

(c) fresh water forms

(d) cold water inhabitants

Answer:(b) colonial

6. Choanocytes in sponges are present

(a) on the external body surface

(b) line the gastric cavity

(c)  in the mesodermal layer

(d) located between the outer and inner layers

Answer:(b) line the gastric cavity

7. Sycon belong to the class

(a) Calcarea

(b) porifera

(c)  Desmospongia

(d) Hexactinellida

Answer:(a) Calcarea

8. Bath sponge belongs to the class

(a) porifera

(b)  Desmospongia

(c) Hexactinellida

(d) Calcarea

Answer:(b)  Desmospongia

9. Parazoa includes

(a) Cnidaria

(b) Acidaria

(c)  Porifera

(d) None of these

Answer:(c)  Porifera

10. Most common method of reproduction in sponges is

(a) binary fission

(b) budding

(c) multiple fission

(d) sexual reproduction

Answer:(b) budding

11. Skeleton of sponges is produced by

(a) Pinacocytes

(b) thescocytes

(c) choanocytes

(d) sclerocytes

Answer:(d) sclerocytes

12. The only fresh water species of sponges is

(a)  Scypha

(b) Euspongia

(c) Spongilla

(d) Oscarella

Answer:(c) Spongilla

13. Venus’s flower basket is a

(a)  Sea anemone resembling a flower basket

(b) sponge resembling a flower basket

(c) glass rope sponge

(d) ornamental mollusc

Answer:(b) sponge resembling a flower basket

14.  Common bath sponge is

(a) Euplectella

(b) Spongilla

(c) Syon

(d)  Euspongia

Answer:(d)  Euspongia

15. Digestion in sponges is

(a) intracellular

(b) intercellular

(c) both a and b

(d) extracellular

Answer:(a) intracellular

16:This about sponges is true

(a) one mouth, innumerable exits

(b) innumerable mouths, one exit

(c) large spacious stomach

(d) spicules are composed of chitin

Answer:(b) innumerable mouths, one exit

17:_____________ is the name of the dried skeleton of ‘Venus flower basket’

(a) Euplectella

(b) Euspongia

(c) Leucosolenia

(d) Spongila


18:Members of phylum Porifera are

(a) Mostly freshwater animals but few are marine entities

(b) Mostly marine animals but few are freshwater entities

(c) Exclusively freshwater animal

(d) Exclusively marine animals

Answer:(b)Mostly marine animals but few are freshwater entities

19:Animals lacking excretory, respiratory and circulatory structures are

(a) Sponges

(b) Tapeworms

(c) Liver fluke

(d) Threadworms


20:These are ‘multicellular grade’ entity

(a) Vertebrates

(b) Sponges

(c) Prokaryotes

(d) Coelenterates


21:The group of animals to which Sycon belongs can be best described as

(a) Multicellular having tissue organization, but not a body cavity

(b) Unicellular or acellular

(c) Multicellular with a gastrovascular cavity

(d) Multicellular without any tissue organization

Answer:(d)Multicellular without any tissue organization

22:Collared, flagellated cells that cover large parts of the inner chambers of sponges, helping water circulation to continue are

(a) Porocytes

(b) Choanocytes

(c) Amoebocytes

(d) Pinacocytes


23:This is a flagellated larva of Leucosolenia

(a) Maggot

(b) Kedia

(c) Planula

(d) Parenchymula


24:Poriferan evolution from protozoans is evidenced by animals such as

(a) Paramecium

(b) Euglena

(c) Chlamydomonas

(d) Proterospongia


25:The chamber common to all the types of the canal system of sponges is

(a) Excurrent canal

(b) Radial chamber

(c) Incurrent canal

(d) Paragastric cavity

Answer:(d)Paragastric cavity

26:Phylum Porifera’s diversity consists of major groups

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

27: Which one of the following groups of Porifera is primarily shallow water and tropical.

(a) Calcarea

(b) Hexactinellida

(c) Demospongia

(d) none


28:The group of Porifera considered as “glass sponges” is

(a) Calcarea
(b) Hexactinellida
(c) Demospongia
(d) none


29:Skeletal elements of Phylum Porifera’s animals consist of

(a)Calcium carbonate
(b)Silicon dioxide
(d)a and b both
Answer:(d)a and b both

30:The main large exit found in Phylum Porifera’s members is called

(a) Phorocyte
(b) Ostia
(c) Osculum
(d) none

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