1. The working memory of the problem solver is like its _______
A. Long term memory
B. Short term memory
C. Permanent memory
D. None of these
Answer: B. Short term memory
2. _____________search regresses over goals and validates a plan before returning it.
A. Forward state space
B. Backward state space
C. Goa stack
D. None of these
Answer: B. Backward state space
3. _____________ Procedure selects a flaw in a given plan and looks for a resolver.
A. Goal stack planning
B. The plan space planning
C. Recursive goal stack planning
D. Partial order planning
Answer: B. The plan space planning
4. Which of the following combination of labels is not allowed for W joint in scene labelling is not allowed
A. (+,-,+)
B. (-,+,-)
C. (←,+,←)
D. (←,←,←)
Answer: D. (←,←,←)
5. If it is possible to extend each pair of consistent variable instantiation to a third variable, a CSP is said to be _________________
A. Arc consistent
B. I- consistent
C. Path consistent.
D. 2- consistent
Answer: C. Path consistent.
6. The __________algorithm explores the domain in a depth first manner.
A. Backtracking
B. Forward checking
C. Arc consistency
D. Strategic retreat
Answer: A. Backtracking
7. _________________ are mathematical problems defined as a set of objects whose state must satisfy a number of constraints or limitations.
A. Constraints satisfaction problems
B. Uninformed search problems
C. Local search problems
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: A. Constraints satisfaction problems
8. Which of the Following problems can be modeled as CSP?
A. 8-Puzzle problem.
B. 8-Queen problem
C. Map coloring problem
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: D. All of the mentioned
9. Backtracking is based on ____________
A. Last in first out
B. First in first out
C. Recursion
D. Both last in first out & recursion
Answer: D. Both last in first out & recursion
10. The inference engine goes through which cycle?
A. Match-resolve-execute
B. Execute-resolve-match
C. Resolve match match
D. Resolve match execute
Answer: A. Match-resolve-execute
11. The output of MATCH routine in Inference Engine is ______________
A. Pattern set
B. Conflict set (CS)
C. Rule set
D. Action set
Answer: B. Conflict set (CS)
12. Operator PUTDOWN has which of the following sequence of actions?
A. holding(x),ontable(x),holding(x)
B. holding(x),armempty, holding(x)
C. holding(x),ontable(x)
D. holding(x),ontable(x)^armempty, holding(x)
Answer: D. holding(x),ontable(x)^armempty, holding(x)
13. Frame problem in STRIPS Domain can be solved by _______________
A. Operator
B. Frame axioms
C. Precondition
D. Action
Answer: B. Frame axioms
14. PDDL stands for_______
A. Path Data Description Language
B. Planning Domain Description Language
C. Planning Data Description Language
D. Path Data Deleted Language
Answer: B. Planning Domain Description Language
15. In PDDL, the Language is based on _______________________
A. Propositional logic notation
B. Second order logic notation
C. First order logic notation
D. All of these
Answer: C. First order logic notation
16. STRIPS operators are made up of which three components:
A. p: precondition list , a: add list , d:delete list
B. p: postcondition list , a: add list , d:delete list
C. p: precondition list , s: sub list , d:delete list
D. p: postcondition list , s: sub list , d:delete list
Answer: A. p: precondition list , a: add list , d:delete list
17. Which search algorithm imposes a fixed depth limit on nodes?
A. Depth-limited search
B. Depth-first search
C. Iterative deepening search
D. Bidirectional search
Answer: A. Depth-limited search
18. In a rule-based system, procedural domain knowledge is in the form of:___________
A. Production rules
B. Rule interpreters
C. Meta-rules
D. Control rules
Answer: A. Production rules
19. _____________ is a state that is better than all its neighboring states but is not better than some other states further away
A. Plateau
B. Local maximum
C. Global maximum
D. All of the above
Answer: B. Local maximum
20. ___________ algorithm keeps track of k states rather than just one.
A. Hill-climbing search
B. Local beam search
C. Stochastic hill-climbing search
D. Random restart hill-climbing search
Answer: B. Local beam search
21. Which is the most straightforward approach for planning algorithm?
A. Best-first search
B. State-space search
C. Depth-first search
D. Hill-climbing search
Answer: B. State-space search
22. _______ is/are the well known Expert System/s for medical diagnosis systems
A. Mysin
B. Caduceus
C. Dendral
Answer: A. Mysin
23. Which of the following statement(s) is true for Sparse-Memory Graph Search (SMGS)?
A. The boundary is defined as those nodes in closed that have at least one successor still in open
B. The nodes in closed that are not on the boundary are in the kernel
C. The number of relay nodes on each path is exactly one.
D. Both A & B
Answer: D. Both A & B
24. Which of the following algorithm is generally used CSP search algorithm?
A. Breadth-first search algorithm
B. Depth-first search algorithm
C. Hill-climbing search algorithm
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: B. Depth-first search algorithm
25. Which of the following conditions must hold for a solution to a CSP?
A. All relations in all constraints must hold
B. At least one relation in all constraints must hold.
C. More than one relation in all constraints must hold.
D. All relations in at least one constraint must hold.
Answer: B. At least one relation in all constraints must hold.
26. Which of the following are true for the algorithms Beam Stack Search (BSS)and Divide-and-Conquer Beam Stack Search (DCBSS).
A. BSS finds the optimal path while DCBSS does not.
B. DCBSS finds the optimal path while BSS does not.
C. Both BSS and DCBSS find the optimal path
D. Neither BSS and DCBSS find the optimal path
Answer: C. Both BSS and DCBSS find the optimal path
27. The performance of an agent can be improved by __________
A. Learning
B. Observing
C. Perceiving
D. Sensing
Answer: A. Learning
28. __________ Is an algorithm, a loop that continually moves in the direction of increasing value – that is uphill.
A. Up-hill search
B. Hill-climbing
C. Hill algorithm
D. Reverse-down-hill search
Answer: B. Hill-climbing
29. Not only do formal logics allow representation of knowledge, but they also allow representation of knowledge Mechanisms for reasoning using a collection of well-defined manipulation rules Of Representations.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A. True
30. If a logic produces only true statements and does not produce any false statement it shows which of the following property
A. Completeness
B. Soundness
C. Consistency
D. None of these
Answer: B. Soundness
31. Is the following rule of inference valid one
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: B. Yes
32. _________Graph is used to represent semantic network
A. Undirected
B. Directed
C. Indirected
D. Any one of the above
Answer: B. Directed
33. What is the nature of the sentence: ∀x ∀y (TeacherOf(x,y) ⊃ StudentOf(y,x))
A. Symmetry
B. Exhaustiveness
C. Inverse
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Inverse
34. The formula or sentences that can be maid true by certain valuation function are called
A. Valid formula
B. Satisfiable formula
C. Unsatisfiable formula
D. Invalid formula
Answer: B. Satisfiable formula
35. A _________ is used to demonstrate, on a purely syntactic basis, that one formula is a logical consequence of another formula.
A. Deductive systems
B. Inductive systems
C. Reasoning with knowledge based systems
D. Search based systems
Answer: A. Deductive systems
36. • is evaluated last.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A. True
37. A Term is either an individual constant (a 0-ary function), or a variable, or an n-ary function applied to n terms: F(t1 t2 ..tn).
A. True
B. False
Answer: A. True
38. First Order Logic is also known as ___________
A. First order predicate calculus
B. Quantification theory
C. Lower order calculus
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: D. All of the mentioned
39. Which is used to compute the truth of any sentence?
A. Semantics of propositional logic
B. Alpha-beta pruning
C. First-order logic
D. Both semantics of propositional logic & alpha-beta pruning
Answer: A. Semantics of propositional logic
40. From which rule does the modus ponens are derived?
A. Inference rule
B. Module rule
C. Both inference & module rule
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A. Inference rule
41. Which form is called as a conjunction of disjunction of literals?
A. Conjunctive normal form
B. Disjunctive normal form
C. Normal form
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: A. Conjunctive normal form
42. What can be viewed as a single lateral of disjunction?
A. Multiple clause
B. Combine clause
C. Unit clause
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: C. Unit clause
43. What among the following constitutes the representation of the knowledge in different forms?
A. Relational method where each fact is set out systematically in columns
B. Inheritable knowledge where relational knowledge is made up of objects
C. Inferential knowledge
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: D. All of the mentioned
44. What are Semantic Networks?
A. A way of representing knowledge
B. Data structure
C. Data type
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A. A way of representing knowledge
45. Graph used to represent semantic network is _____________
A. Undirected graph
B. Directed graph
C. Directed acyclic graph (dag)
D. Directed complete graph
Answer: B. Directed graph
46. The basic inference mechanism in semantic network is to follow the links between the nodes.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A. True
47. Which of the following elements constitutes the frame structure?
A. Facts or data
B. Procedures and default values
C. Frame names
D. Frame reference in the hierarchy
Answer: A. Facts or data
48. There exists two way to infer using semantic networks in which knowledge is represented as Frames.
A. Intersection search
B. Inheritance search
Answer: A. Intersection search
49. Which problem can frequently occur in backward chaining algorithm?
A. Repeated states
B. Incompleteness
C. Complexity
D. Both repeated states & incompleteness
Answer: D. Both repeated states & incompleteness
50. Which of the following is an extension of the semantic network?
A. Expert systems
B. Rule based expert systems
C. Decision tree based networks
D. Partitioned networks
Answer: D. Partitioned networks
51. Is the below statement true for the domain of positive integers ∀p ∃q ( p + q = 7)
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A. Yes
52. Which of the following is a sound rule of inference?
A. q ∧ (p → q) → p
B. p → (p ∨ q)
C. q ∨ (p → q) → p
D. All of above
Answer: B. p → (p ∨ q)
53. ∀x ∃ y P(x,y) ≡ ∃ y ∀ x P(x,y)
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B. No
54. Is ∀z S(x,y) a well-formed formula?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A. Yes
55. The statement comprising the limitations of FOL is/are ____________
A. Expressiveness
B. Formalizing natural languages
C. Many-sorted logic
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: D. All of the mentioned
56. what is the issue of Forward State Space Planning?
A. Low branching factor.
B. Large branching factor.
C. Work in forwarding fashion
D. Work in backward fashion
Answer: B. Large branching factor.
57. Goal Stack Planning breaks up a ______________________________
A. Initial state
B. Stack in different part
C. Set of goal predicates into individual subgoals
D. All of the above
Answer: C. Set of goal predicates into individual subgoals
58. What is true about Linear Planning?
A. It refers to the fact that the subgoals are attempted and solved in a linear order.
B. Attempts to solve subgoals individually one after another.
C. Attempts to solve subgoal individually in nonlinear fashion
D. Both A & B
Answer: D. Both A & B
59. Agent interacts with the world via _______________ and ______________
A. decision, effect
B. perception, decision
C. perception, action
D. perception, effect
Answer: C. perception, action
60. The start node for search in plan space planning is_______________
C. Both DFS and BFS
D. a*
Answer: C. Both DFS and BFS
61. In which chaining, the Left-Hand side is used to match the rules and Right-Hand side is used to check the effect of using the rule.
A. Forward chaining
B. Backward chaining
C. Reverse chaining
D. Both B & C
Answer: A. Forward chaining
62. The components of Expert system are?
A. A set of rules, the inference engine (ie), forward chaining
B. A set of rules, backward chaining, a working memory (wm)
C. A set of rules, the inference engine (ie), a working memory (wm)
D. A set of rules, forward chaining, backward chaining
Answer: C. A set of rules, the inference engine (ie), a working memory (wm)
63. What is true about Artificial Intelligence?
A. The ability to solve problems.
B. The ability to act rationally.
C. The ability to act like humans
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
64. Which of the following are Informed search algorithms?
A. Best first search
B. a* search
C. Iterative deepening search
D. Both A & B
D. Both A & B
65. If there is a solution, breadth first search is _______________to find it
A. Difficult
B. Guaranteed
C. Not able to find
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Guaranteed
66. Which search strategy is combining the benefits of both BFS and DFS?
A. Depth limited search
B. a*
C. Iterative deepening depth first search
D. Best first search
C. Iterative deepening depth first search
67. Admissibility of the heuristic function is given as:
A. h(n)>= h*(n)
B. h(n)< h*(n)
C. h(n)== h*(n)
D. h(n)<= h*(n)
Answer: D. h(n)<= h*(n)
68. The efficiency of A* algorithm depends on __________________________
A. Depth
B. The quality of heuristic
C. Unknown nodes
D. None of the above
Answer: B. The quality of heuristic
69. What is the termination criteria in Hill climbing?
A. When no successor of the node has better heuristic value.
B. When successor of the node has better heuristic value.
C. When no ancestor of the node has better heuristic value.
D. When ancestor of the node has better heuristic value.
Answer: A. When no successor of the node has better heuristic value.
70. What is true about variable neighborhood function?
A. Neighbourhood functions that are sparse lead to quicker movement during search
B. Algorithm has to inspect very fewer neighbours
C. VDN stars searching with sparse neighbourhood functions, when it reaches an optimum, it switches to denser function.
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
71. ___________requires Linear Space but uses backtracking
A. Breadth first search
B. Recursive best first search (RBFS)
C. a*
D. ida*
Answer: B. Recursive best-first search (RBFS)
72. Which property asks that the algorithm is locally admissible?
A. Admissibility
B. Monotonicity
C. Informedness
D. None of the above
Answer: B. Monotonicity
73. A* Search Algorithm _______________
A. Does not expand the node which has the lowest value of f(n),
B. Finds the shortest path through the search space using the heuristic function i.e f(n)=g(n) + h(n)
C. Terminates when the goal node is not found.
D. All of the above
Answer: B. Finds the shortest path through the search space using the heuristic function i.e f(n)=g(n) + h(n)
74. Which is not problem in Hill climing?
A. Plateau
B. Ridges
C. Local maximum
D. Landscape
Answer: D. Landscape
75. Tabu search is designed _______________
A. As it does not follow aspiration criteria
B. To escape the trap of local optimality.
C. To unrecord forbidden moves, which are referred to as tabu moves .
D. All of the above
Answer: B. To escape the trap of local optimality.
76. Production/Rule looks like________________
A. Pattern–>Data
B. Action–>Data
C. Pattern–>Action
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Pattern–>Action
77. How can we convert AO graph with mixed nodes into graph with pure AND and OR nodes?
A. By traversing multiple nodes
B. By deleting one of the nodes
C. By the addition of an extra node
D. None of the above
Answer: C. By the addition of extra node
78. Arc consistency in AO graph is concernd with ____________________________________
A. Nodes
B. Finding consistent values for pairs of variables.
C. Unary constraint
D. All of the above
Answer: B. Finding consistent values for pairs of variables.
79. A planning problem P in BSSP is defined as a _________
A. Triple (s, g, o)
B. Triple (s1, s2, o)
C. Triple (g1, g, o)
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Triple (s, g, o)
80. Plan representation in Plan Space Planning is done with__ ———–links
A. Binding links
B. Ordering links and casual link
C. Contingent link
D. Head step
Answer: B. Ordering links and casual link
81. What is true about Iterative Deepening DFS?
A. It does not perform DFS in a BFS fashion.
B. It is the preferred informed search method
C. It’s a depth-first search, but it does it one level at a time, gradually increasing the limit until a goal is found.
D. Is a depth-first search with a fixed depth limit l
Answer: C. It’s a depth-first search, but it does it one level at a time, gradually increasing the limit until a goal is found.
82. What is the main advantage of backward state-space search?
A. Cost
B. Actions
C. Relevant actions
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: C. Relevant actions
83. Backward State Space Planning (BSSP)_________________
A. Simply explores the set of all future states in possible order
B. Start searching backwards from the goal
C. Leads to huge search space
D. Has no sense of direction
Answer: B. Start searching backwards from the goal
84. In Backward State Space Planning ,regress(A,G) that returns ______________________________
A. The regressed goal over action a when applied to goal g.
B. The goal state over action a when applied to goal g.
C. The initial state over action a when applied to goal g.
D. Both A & B
Answer: A. The regressed goal over action a when applied to goal g.
85. What is true about Backward State Space Planning?
A. Goal states are often incompletely specified.
B. Expresses only what is desired in the final state, rather than a complete description of the final state.
C. It uses regression
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
86. effects⁺ (a) in Forward State Space Planning denotes ___________
A. Denotes the set of negative effects of action a
B. Denotes the set of neutral effects of action a
C. Denotes the set of positive effects of action a
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Denotes the set of positive effects of action a
87. In Forward State Space Planning , Progress ( A, S) function returns ______________
A. The successor state s when action a is applied to state s.
B. The predecessor state s when action a is applied to state s.
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
Answer: A. The successor state s when action a is applied to state s.
88. What are the drawbacks of Forward State Space Planning?
A. FSSP has very huge search space
B. It includes the actions that have nothing go do with achieving the goal
C. Regression is used in forward state space planning
D. Both A & B
Answer: D. Both A & B
89. What arcs represents in AO Graph?
A. Subproblem to be solved individually
B. Solution
C. Path
D. Sequence of actions
Answer: A. Subproblem to be solved individually
90. Which are the first AI applications of the AO graph?
A. Saint
B. Xcon
C. Dendral
D. Both A and C
Answer: D. Both A and C
91. What is Hyper-Edge in AO Graph?
A. Many edges together can be hyber edge
B. Those are and edges only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Both 1 and 2
92. What cost is assumed for arc while solving AO* progress example?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: B. 1
93. What is the heuristic cost of SOLVED nodes in the AO* example?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: A. 0
94. What is used to label primitive problems in the AO problem?
A. Unvisited
B. Unsolved
C. Solved
D. Visited
Answer: C. Solved