Fats & Fatty Acid Metabolism (Biochemistry) BSc MCQs Set-2

Biochemistry Mcqs

1. Free fatty acids are transported in the blood 

(A) Combined with albumin 
(B) Combined with fatty acid binding protein 
(C) Combined with β -lipoprotein 
(D) In unbound free salts 

Answer:(A) Combined with albumin

2. Long chain fatty acids are first activated to acetyl-CoA in

(A) Cytosol 
(B) Microsomes 
(C) Nucleus 
(D) Mitochondria 

Answer:(A) Cytosol

3. The enzyme acyl-CoA synthase catalyses the conversion of a fatty acid of an active fatty acid in the presence of 

(A) AMP 
(B) ADP 
(C) ATP 
(D) GTP 

Answer:(C) ATP

4. Carnitine is synthesized from 

(A) Lysine and methionine 
(B) Glycine and arginine 
(C) Aspartate and glutamate 
(D) Proline and hydroxyproline 

Answer:(A) Lysine and methionine 

5. The enzymes of β-oxidation are found in 

(A) Mitochondria 
(B) Cytosol 
(C) Golgi apparatus 
(D) Nucleus 

Answer:(A) Mitochondria

6. Long chain fatty acids penetrate the inner mitochondrial membrane 

(A) Freely 
(B) As acyl-CoA derivative 
(C) As carnitine derivative 
(D) Requiring Na dependent carrier 

Answer:(C) As carnitine derivative 

7. An important feature of Zellweger’s syndrome is 

(A) Hypoglycemia 
(B) Accumulation of phytanic acid in tissues 
(C) Skin eruptions 
(D) Accumulation of C26-C38 polyenoic acid in brain tissues 

Answer:(D) Accumulation of C26-C38 polyenoic acid in brain tissues

8. An important finding of Fabry’s disease is 

(A) Skin rash 
(B) Exophthalmos 
(C) Hemolytic anemia 
(D) Mental retardation 

Answer:(A) Skin rash

9. Gaucher’s disease is due to deficiency of the enzyme: 

(A) Sphingomyelinase 
(B) Glucocerebrosidase 
(C) Galactocerebrosidase 
(D) β-Galactosidase 

Answer:(B) Glucocerebrosidase

10. Character list of finding in Gaucher ’s disease is 

(A) Night blindness 
(B) Renal failure 
(C) Hepatosplenomegaly 
(D) Deafness 

Answer:(C) Hepatosplenomegaly 

11. An important finding in Niemann-Pick disease is 

(A) Leukopenia 
(B) Cardiac enlargement
(C) Corneal opacity
(D) Hepatosplenomegaly 

Answer:(D) Hepatosplenomegaly

12. Fucosidosis is characterized by 

(A) Muscle spasticity 
(B) Liver enlargement 
(C) Skin rash 
(D) Kidney failure 

Answer:(A) Muscle spasticity

13. Metachromatic leukodystrophy is due to deficiency of enzyme: 

(A) α-Fucosidase 
(B) Arylsulfatase A 
(C) Ceramidase 
(D) Hexosaminidase A

Answer:(B) Arylsulfatase A

14. A significant feature of Tangier disease is 

(A) Impairment of chylomicron formation 
(B) Hypertriacylglycerolemia 
(C) Absence of Apo-C-II 
(D) Absence of Apo-C-I 

Answer:(C) Absence of Apo-C-II

15. A significant feature of Broad Beta disease is 

(A) Hypocholesterolemia
(B) Hypertriacylglycerolemia 
(C) Absence of Apo-D 
(D) Abnormality of Apo-E

Answer:(D) Abnormality of Apo-E

16. Neonatal tyrosinemia improves on administration of 

(A) Thiamin 
(B) Riboflavin 
(C) Pyridoxine 
(D) Ascorbic acid 

Answer:(A) Thiamin

17. Absence of phenylalanine hydroxylase causes 

(A) Neonatal tyrosinemia 
(B) Phenylketonuria 
(C) Primary hyperoxaluria 
(D) Albinism 

Answer:(D) Albinism

18. Richner-Hanhart syndrome is due to a defect in 

(A) Tyrosinase 
(B) Phenylalanine hydroxylase 
(C) Hepatic tyrosine transaminase 
(D) Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase

Answer:(B) Phenylalanine hydroxylase

19. Plasma tyrosine level in Richner-Hanhart syndrome is 

(A) 1–2 mg/dL 
(B) 2–3 mg/dL 
(C) 4–5 mg/dL 
(D) 8–10 mg/dL 

Answer:(C) 4–5 mg/dL

20. Amount of phenylacetic acid excreted in the urine in phenylketonuria is 

(A) 100–200 mg/dL 
(B) 200–280 mg/dL 
(C) 290–550 mg/dL 
(D) 600–750 mg/dL 

Answer:(C) 290–550 mg/dL

21. Tyrosinosis is due to defect in the enzyme: 

(A) Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase 
(B) p-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate hydroxylase 
(C) Tyrosine transaminase 
(D) Tyrosine hydroxylase 

Answer:(A) Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase 

22. An important finding in Histidinemia is 

(A) Impairment of conversion of α-Glutamate to α-ketoglutarate 
(B) Speech defect 
(C) Decreased urinary histidine level 
(D) Patients can not be treated by diet 

Answer:(B) Speech defect 

23. An important finding in glycinuria is 

(A) Excess excretion of oxalate in the urine 
(B) Deficiency of enzyme glycinate 
(C) Significantly increased serum glycine level 
(D) Defect in renal tubular reabsorption of glycine 

Answer:(D) Defect in renal tubular reabsorption of glycine 

24. Increased urinary indole acetic acid is diagnostic of 

(A) Maple syrup urine disease 
(B) Hartnup disease 
(C) Homocystinuria 
(D) Phenylketonuria 

Answer:(B) Hartnup disease

25. In glycinuria daily urinary excretion of glycine ranges from 

(A) 100–200 mg 
(B) 300–500 mg 
(C) 600–1000 mg 
(D) 1100–1400 mg 

Answer:(C) 600–1000 mg

26. An inborn error, maple syrup urine disease is due to deficiency of the enzyme: 

(A) Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase 
(B) Phenylalanine hydroxylase 
(C) Adenosyl transferase
(D) α-Ketoacid decarboxylase 

Answer:(D) α-Ketoacid decarboxylase

27. Maple syrup urine disease becomes evident in extra uterine life by the end of 

(A) First week 
(B) Second week 
(C) Third week 
(D) Fourth week

 Answer:(A) First week

28. Alkaptonuria occurs due to deficiency of the enzyme: 

(A) Maleylacetoacetate isomerase 
(B) Homogentisate oxidase 
(C) p-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate hydroxylase 
(D) Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase 

Answer:(B) Homogentisate oxidase 

29. An important feature of maple syrup urine disease is 

(A) Patient can not be treated by dietary regulation 
(B) Without treatment death, of patient may occur by the end of second year of life 
(C) Blood levels of leucine, isoleucine and serine are increased 
(D) Excessive brain damage

Answer:(D) Excessive brain damage

30. Ochronosis is an important finding of 

(A) Tyrosinemia 
(B) Tyrosinosis 
(C) Alkaptonuria 
(D) Richner Hanhart syndrome

Answer:(C) Alkaptonuria 

31. Phrynoderma is a deficiency of 

(A) Essential fatty acids
(B) Proteins 
(C) Amino acids 
(D) None of these 

Answer:(A) Essential fatty acids

32. The percentage of linoleic acid in safflower oil is 

(A) 73 
(B) 57 
(C) 40 
(D) 15

Answer:(A) 73

33. The percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in soybean oil is 

(A) 62 
(B) 10 
(C) 3 
(D) 2 

Answer:(A) 62

34. The percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in butter is 

(A) 60 
(B) 37 
(C) 25
(D) 3 

Answer:(D) 3 

35. Dietary fibre denotes 

(A) Undigested proteins 
(B) Plant cell components that cannot be digested by own enzymes 
(C) All plant cell wall components 
(D) All non digestible water insoluble polysaccharide

 Answer:(B) Plant cell components that cannot be digested by own enzymes

36. A high fibre diet is associated with reduced incidence of 

(A) Cardiovascular disease 
(B) C.N.S. disease 
(C) Liver disease 
(D) Skin disease 

Answer:(A) Cardiovascular disease

37. Dietary fibres are rich in 

(A) Cellulose 
(B) Glycogen
(C) Starch 
(D) Proteoglycans 

Answer:(A) Cellulose 

38. Minimum dietary fibre is found in 

(A) Dried apricot 
(B) Peas 
(C) Bran 
(D) Cornflakes 

Answer:(B) Peas 

39. A bland diet is recommended in 

(A) Peptic ulcer 
(B) Atherosclerosis 
(C) Diabetes 
(D) Liver disease 

Answer:(A) Peptic ulcer 

40. A dietary deficiency in both the quantity and the quality of protein results in 

(A) Kwashiorkor 
(B) Marasmus 
(C) Xerophthalmia 
(D) Liver diseases 

Answer:(A) Kwashiorkor

41. The deficiency of both energy and protein causes 

(A) Marasmus 
(B) Kwashiorkor 
(C) Diabetes 
(D) Beri-beri 

Answer:(A) Marasmus 

42. Kwashiorkor is characterized by

(A) Night blindness 
(B) Edema 
(C) Easy fracturability 
(D) Xerophthalmia 

Answer: (B) Edema

43. A characteristic feature of Kwashiorkor is 

(A) Fatty liver 
(B) Emaciation 
(C) Low insulin level 
(D) Occurrence in less than 1 year infant 

Answer: (A) Fatty liver

44. A characteristic feature of marasmus is 

(A) Severe hypoalbuminemia 
(B) Normal epinephrine level 
(C) Mild muscle wasting 
(D) Low insulin and high cortisol level 

Answer: (D) Low insulin and high cortisol level

45. Obesity generally reflects excess intake of energy and is often associated with the development of 

(A) Nervousness 
(B) Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus 
(C) Hepatitis 
(D) Colon cancer 

Answer: (B) Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

46. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases are associated with the diet: 

(A) High in total fat and saturated fat 
(B) Low in protein 
(C) High in protein 
(D) High in carbohydrate 

Answer:(A) High in total fat and saturated fat

47. Cerebrovascular disease and hypertension is associated with 

(A) High calcium intake 
(B) High salt intake 
(C) Low calcium intake 
(D) Low salt intake 

Answer:(B) High salt intake 

48. The normal range of total serum bilirubin is 

(A) 0.2–1.2 mg/100 ml 
(B) 1.5–1.8 mg/100 ml
(C) 2.0–4.0 mg/100 ml 
(D) Above 7.0 mg/100 ml

Answer:(A) 0.2–1.2 mg/100 ml

49. The normal range of direct reacting (conjugated) serum bilirubin is 

(A) 0–0.1 mg/100 ml 
(B) 0.1–0.4 mg/100 ml 
(C) 0.4–06 mg/100 ml 
(D) 0.5–1 mg/100 ml 

Answer:(B) 0.1–0.4 mg/100 ml

50. The normal range of indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin in serum is 

(A) 0–0.1 mg/100 ml 
(B) 0.1–0.2 mg/100 ml 
(C) 0.2–0.7 mg/100 ml 
(D) 0.8–1.0 mg/100 ml

Answer:(C) 0.2–0.7 mg/100 ml