NEET Biology Previous Year MCQs Set-4

Q1. Animals/organisms floating on the surface of water are

(1) benthos 
(2) plankton 
(3) neritic 
(4) pelagic 

Answer: (2) plankton 

Q2. Which one of the following is wrongly matched? 

(1) Sargassum-Chlorophyll c 
(2) Nostoc-Water blooms 
(3) Basidiomycetes-Puffballs 
(4) Spirogyra-Motile gametes 

Answer: (4) Spirogyra-Motile gametes

Q3. What is common in all three, Funaria, Dryopteris and Ginkgo? 

(1) Well developed vascular tissues 
(2) Independent sporophyte  
(3) Independent gametophyte 
(4) Presence of archegonia 

Answer: (4) Presence of archegonia

Q4. The plant body is thalloid in 

(1) Salvinia
(2) Funaria 
(3) Marchantia 
(4) Sphagnum 

Answer: (3) Marchantia 

Q5. Fire-bellied toad is 

(1) Necturus 
(2) Amphiuma 
(3) Salamandra 
(4) Discoglossus 

Answer: (4) Discoglossus 

Q6. Which is not a true amphibian animal 

(1) Tortoise 
(2) Salamander 
(3) Frog 
(4) Toad 

Answer: (1) Tortoise 

Q7. Association between Sucker Fish (Remora) and Shark is 

(1) Predation 
(2) Commensalism 
(3) Parasitism 
(4) Symbiosis 

Answer: (2) Commensalism 

Q8. A wood boring mollusc/Shipworm is 

(1) Limax 
(2) Chiton  
(3) Patella 
(4) Teredo 

Answer: (4) Teredo 

Q9. Silk thread is obtained from Silk Moth during 

(1) nymph state 
(2) pupal state 
(3) adult state 
(4) larval state 

Answer: (2) pupal state 

Q10. Bird vertebrae are 

(1) amphicoelous 
(2) acoelous 
(3) procoelous 
(4) heterocoelous 

Answer: (4) heterocoelous  

Q11. Feet of kingfishers are modified for 

(1) running 
(2) wading
(3) catching 
(4) perching 

Answer: (2) wading

Q12. Both male and female pigeons secrete milk through 

(1) Crop 
(2) Salivary glands 
(3) Gizzard 
(4) Modified sweat glands 

Answer: (1) Crop 

Q13. Typhlops is 

(1) Blind Snake 
(2) Sea Snake  
(3) Grass Snake 
(4) Glass Snake 

Answer: (1) Blind Snake

Q14. Necturus is

(1) Mud Puppy 
(2) HellBender 
(3) Blind Worm 
(4) Congo Eel 

Answer: (1) Mud Puppy

Q15. Transfer of Taenia to the secondary host occurs as 

(1) morula 
(2) oncosphere 
(3) egg. 
(4) cysticercus 

Answer: (2) oncosphere 

Q16. Jelly Fishes belong to class 

(1) Anthozoa 
(2) Hydrozoa 
(3) None of these 
(4) Scyphozoa 

Answer: (4) Scyphozoa 

Q17. Fish which can be used in biological control of mosquitoes/Larvicidal fish is 

(1) Catfish 
(2) Eel 
(3) Gambusia 
(4) Carp 

Answer: (3) Gambusia 

Q18. Lamina propria is connected with 

(1) graafian follicle  
(2) acini 
(3) intestine 
(4) liver 

Answer: (3) intestine 

Q19. Hair occurs in all mammals except those of 

(1) Primata 
(2) Rodentia 
(3) Cetacea 
(4) Chiroptera 

Answer: (3) Cetacea 

Q20. Wishbone birds from 

(1) hindlimbs 
(2) pelvic girdles 
(3) pectoral girdles / clavicle 
(4) skull 

Answer: (3) pectoral girdles / clavicle

Q21. Flight muscles of birds are attached 

(1) scapula
(2) clavicle 
(3) coracoid
(4) keel sternum 

Answer: (4) keel sternum 

Q22. A chordate characters 

(1) postanal tail 
(2) gills 
(3) chitinous exoskeleton 
(4) spiracles 

Answer: (1) postanal tail

Q23. Earthworms are 

(1) more useful than harmful  
(2) useful 
(3) more harmful 
(4) harmful 

Answer: (2) useful 

Q24. Photoreceptors of earthworm occur on 

(1) dorsal surface 
(2) clitellum 
(3) lateral sides 
(4) many eyes 

Answer: (1) dorsal surface

Q25. Blood of Pheretima is 

(1) red with haemoglobin in corpuscles 
(2) blue with haemocyanin in corpuscles 
(3) red with haemoglobin in plasma 
(4) blue with haemocyanin in plasma 

Answer: (3) red with haemoglobin in plasma 

Q26. Pheretima posthuma is highly useful as

(1) they are used as fish meal 
(2) their burrows make the soil loose 
(3) they kill the birds due to biomagnification of chlorinated hydrocarbons 
(4) they make the soil porous, leave their castings and take organic debris in the soil 

Answer: (4) they make the soil porous, leave their castings and take organic debris in the soil

Q27. Taenia saginata differs from Taenia solium in 

(1) absence of scolex hooks and presence of both male and female reproductive organs 
(2) absence of scolex hooks 
(3) presence of scolex hooks 
(4) absence of scolex hooks and uterine branching 

Answer: (4) absence of scolex hooks and uterine branching 

Q28. Oncosphere occurs in 

(1) Taenia 
(2) Ascaris 
(3) Planaria 
(4) Fasciola 

Answer: (1) Taenia 

Q29. Eutherians character is by 

(1) ovoviviparity 
(2) hard skin 
(3) glandular skin 
(4) tru placentation 

Answer: (4) tru placentation 

Q30. Ecdysis shedding 

(1) dermis 
(2) stratum corneum 
(3) stratum Malpighii 
(4) epidermis 

Answer: (2) stratum corneum

Q31. Pengu occurs in 

(1) Africa 
(2) Australia 
(3) America 
(4) Antarctica 

Answer: (4) Antarctica 

Q32. Kala-azar and Oriental Sore areas or lead by 

(1) Sand Fly 
(2) Housefly 
(3) Fruit Fly 
(4) Bed Bug 

Answer: (1) Sand Fly

Q33. Malpighian tubules are 

(1) respiratory organs of insects 
(2) excretory organs of insects 
(3) respiratory organs of annelids 
(4) excretory organs of annelids 

Answer: (2) excretory organs of insects

Q34. In hot summer and cold winter, the number of malaria cases as well as Anopheles declines, Reappearance of malaria in humid warm conditions is due to 

(1) monkeys 
(2) surviving malarial parasites in human carriers 
(3) mosquito larvae in permanent waters 
(4) surviving sporozoites in surviving mosquitoes 

Answer: (4) surviving sporozoites in surviving mosquitoes

Q35. Classification of Porifera is based on

(1) reproduction 
(2) branching 
(3) symmetry 
(4) spicules 

Answer: (4) spicules 

Q36. The excretory structures of flatworms/Taenia are 

(1) malpighian tubules 
(2) flame cells 
(3) green glands 
(4) protonephridia 

Answer: (2) flame cells

Q37. Bladder Worm cysticercus is the larval stage of 

(1) Pinworm 
(2) Tapeworm 
(3) Liver Fluke 
(4) Roundworm  

Answer: (2) Tapeworm 

Q38. Earthworm possesses hearts 

(1) 2 pairs
(2) 6 pairs 
(3) 1 
(4) 4 pairs 

Answer: (4) 4 pairs

Q39. Skin is a respiratory organ in 

(1) primitive mammals 
(2) lizards 
(3) frog 
(4) birds 

Answer: (3) frog 

Q40. Which one occurs in Echinodermata 

(1) Porous body 
(2) Bilateral symmetry 
(3) Soft skin 
(4) Radial symmetry 

Answer: (4) Radial symmetry

Q41. An insect regarded as the greatest mechanical carrier of diseases is 

(1) Musca 
(2) Pediculus 
(3) Xenopsylla 
(4) Cimex 

Answer: (1) Musca 

Q42. Metamorphosis of insects is regulated through hormone 

(1) ecdysone 
(2) pheromone 
(3) all the above  
(4) thyroxine 

Answer: (1) ecdysone 

Q43. Male and female cockroaches can be distinguished externally through 

(1) anal style and antennae in females 
(2) anal styles in male 
(3) both b and c 
(4) anal cerci in female 

Answer: (2) anal styles in male

Q44. Ascaris lumbricoides infection occurs through 

(1) improperly cooked measly pork 
(2) sole of uncovered feet 
(3) from air through inhalation 
(4) contaminated cooked measly pork 

Answer: (4) contaminated cooked measly pork

Q45. Ascaris larva is called 

(1) hexacanth 
(2) cysticercus 
(3) oncosphere 
(4) rhabditiform 

Answer: (4) rhabditiform 

Q46. What is correct about Taenia? 

(1) Female organs occur in anterior proglottids 
(2) Male organs occur in posterior proglottids 
(3) Mature proglottids contain both male and female organs 
(4) Male organs occur in anterior proglottids 

Answer: (3) Mature proglottids contain both male and female organs

Q47. The simplest type of canal system in Porifera is 

(1) sycon type 
(2) ascon type  
(3) radial type 
(4) leucon type 

Answer: (2) ascon type

Q48. An egg laying mammal is 

(1) Koala 
(2) Kangaroo 
(3) Whale
(4) Platypus 

Answer: (4) Platypus 

Q49. Kidney of adult rabbit is 

(1) mesonephros 
(2) pronephros 
(3) opisthonephros 
(4) metanephros 

Answer: (4) metanephros 

Q50. Starfish belongs to 

(1) Holothuroidea 
(2) Asteroidea 
(3) Crinoidea 
(4) Ophiuroidea 

Answer: (2) Asteroidea 

Q51. Eye of the molluscan group that resembles the vertebrate eye is 

(1) pelecypoda 
(2) bivalvia 
(3) cephalopoda 
(4) gastropoda 

Answer: (3) cephalopoda 

Q52. Adult Culex and Anopheles can be distinguished with the help of  

(1) antennae/wings 
(2) mouth parts/colour 
(3) feeding habits 
(4) sitting posture 

Answer: (4) sitting posture

Q53. Sound box of birds is called 

(1) syrinx 
(2) pygostyle 
(3) synsacrum 
(4) larynx 

Answer: (1) syrinx 

Q54. A. Periplaneta americana is a nocturnal, omnivorous, household pest. R. It is because it acts as scavenger 

(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A 
(2) A is true but R is false 
(3) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A 
(4) A is false but R is true 

Answer: (1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A

Q55. Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Monkeys and Humans belong to the same 

(1) family 
(2) species 
(3) order 
(4) genus 

Answer: (3) order 

Q56. What is common in Whales, Bats and Rats? 

(1) Extra-abdominal testes to avoid high temperature of body 
(2) Absence of neck
(3) Presence of external ears 
(4) Muscular diaphragm between thorax and abdomen 

Answer: (4) Muscular diaphragm between thorax and abdomen 

Q57. The cervical vertebrae in humans is 

(1) double than that of horse
(2) same as in whale 
(3) less than that in giraffes 
(4) more than that in rabbit 

Answer: (2) same as in whale 

Q58. Bull Frog of India is 

(1) R. catesbeiana 
(2) Rana tigrina 
(3) R. esculenta 
(4) R. sylvatica 

Answer: (2) Rana tigrina

Q59. Aristotle’s lantern occurs in class 

(1) Holothuroidea 
(2) Echinoidea 
(3) Ophiuroidea 
(4) Asteroidea 

Answer: (2) Echinoidea 

Q60. Give the correct matching of causative agent/ germ and disease 

(1) Glossina – Kala-azar 
(2) Anopheles – malaria 
(3) Wuchereria – Filariasis 
(4) Leishmania – Sleeping sickness 

Answer: (3) Wuchereria – Filariasis 

Q61. Tracheae of cockroach and mammal are similar in having 

(1) ciliated inner lining 
(2) paired nature 
(3) origin from head 
(4) non collapsible walls 

Answer: (4) non collapsible walls

Q62. A larval stage occurs in the life history of all members of the group 

(1) housefly, earthworm and mosquito
(2) frog, lizard and cockroach 
(3) butterfly, frog and mosquito 
(4) ascaris, housefly and frog 

Answer: (3) butterfly, frog and mosquito

Q63. Mucus helps frogs to form 

(1) smooth skin 
(2) thick skin 
(3) moist skin 
(4) dry skin 

Answer: (3) moist skin

Q64. All vertebrates possess 

(1) four chambered ventral heart 
(2) renal portal system 
(3) pharyngeal gill slits 
(4) dorsal hollow central nervous system 

Answer: (4) dorsal hollow central nervous system

Q65. What is common between Ostrich, Penguin and Kiwi? 

(1) Flightless birds 
(2) Running birds 
(3) Four toed birds 
(4) Migratory birds 

Answer: (1) Flightless birds 

Q66. Which one assists in locomotion 

(1) Clitellum in Pheretima 
(2) Trichocysts in Paramecium
(3) Posterior sucker in Hirudinaria 
(4) Pedicellariae of StarFish  

Answer: (3) Posterior sucker in Hirudinari

Q67. What is true about Taenia saginata? 

(1) Rostellar hooks are absent 
(2) Life history has a pig as an intermediate host 
(3) Rostellum has double circles of hooks 
(4) There are two large suckers on scolex 

Answer: (1) Rostellar hooks are absent 

Q68. Which one of the following animals possesses nerve cells but no nerves 

(1) Earthworm 
(2) Hydra 
(3) Frog’s tadpole 
(4) Tapeworm 

Answer: (2) Hydra 

Q69. Budding is a normal mode of asexual reproduction in 

(1) tapeworm and Hydra
(2) starfish and Hydra 
(3) sponge and starfish 
(4) hydra and sponges 

Answer: (4) hydra and sponges

Q70. Which one belongs to Platyhelminthes? 

(1) Plasmodium 
(2) Schistosoma 
(3) Wuchereria 
(4) Trypanosoma 

Answer: (2) Schistosoma 

Q71. Point out the non-parasite 

(1) Leech 
(2) Tapeworm 
(3) Sea anemone  
(4) Mosquito 

Answer: (3) Sea anemone

Q72. Special character of Coelenterates is 

(1) flame cells 
(2) polymorphism 
(3) hermaphroditism 
(4) nematocysts 

Answer: (4) nematocysts 

Q73. Coelom derived from blastocoel is known as 

(1) pseudocoelom 
(2) enterocoelom 
(3) haemocoelom 
(4) schizocoely 

Answer: (1) pseudocoelom 

Q74. Radial symmetry is often exhibited by animals having 

(1) benthos/sedentary living 
(2) one opening of alimentary canal 
(3) ciliary mode of feeding 
(4) aquatic mode of living 

Answer: (1) benthos/sedentary living

Q75. Golden era/age of reptiles is 

(1) recent 
(2) palaeozoic 
(3) proterozoic 
(4) mesozoic 

Answer: (4) mesozoic 

Q76. A common characteristic of all vertebrates is 

(1) presence of two pairs of functional appendages
(2) presence of skull 
(3) body is covered with an exoskeleton  
(4) division of body into head, neck, trunk and tail 

Answer: (2) presence of skull

Q77. All chordates possess 

(1) skull 
(2) exoskeleton 
(3) axial skeletal rod of notochord 
(4) limbs 

Answer: (3) axial skeletal rod of notochord

Q78. Tube feet occur in 

(1) Cuttlefish
(2) Cockroach 
(3) Catfish 
(4) Starfish 

Answer: (4) Starfish 

Q79. Closed circulatory system occurs in 

(1) cuttleFish 
(2) snail 
(3) all of these 
(4) cockroaches 

Answer: (1) cuttleFish 

Q80. True coelom is the space lying between the alimentary canal and body wall enclosed by the layers of 

(1) mesoderm on one side and ectoderm on the other 
(2) ectoderm on both sides 
(3) mesoderm on both sides 
(4) endoderm on one side and ectoderm on the other 

Answer: (3) mesoderm on both sides

Q81. Radial symmetry is usually associated with 

(1) creeping mode of locomotion 
(2) aquatic mode of life 
(3) sedentary mode of life  
(4) lower grade of organisation 

Answer: (4) lower grade of organisation

Q82. Pneumatic bones are expected to be found in 

(1) frog’s tadpole 
(2) pigeon 
(3) flying fish 
(4) house lizard 

Answer: (2) pigeon 

Q83. Besides annelida and arthropoda, the metamerism is exhibited by

(1) mollusca 
(2) cestoda 
(3) acanthocephala 
(4) chordata 

Answer: (4) chordata 

Q84. The organisms attached to the substratum, generally, possess 

(1) asymmetrical body 
(2) radial symmetry 
(3) cilia on surface to create water current 
(4) one single opening of the digestive canal 

Answer: (2) radial symmetry

Q85. The long bones are hollow and connected by air passages; these are characteristics of 

(1) aves 
(2) mammals 
(3) all land vertebrates 
(4) reptilia 

Answer: (1) aves  

Q86. What is common among silverfish, scorpion, crab and honey bee? 

(1) Jointed legs 
(2) Compound eyes 
(3) Metamorphosis 
(4) Poison gland 

Answer: (1) Jointed legs

Q87. The flightless bird Cassowary is found in 

(1) New Zealand 
(2) Mauritius
(3) Indonesia 
(4) Australia 

Answer: (4) Australia 

Q88. Function Wise, just as there are nephridia in an earthworm, so are 

(1) flame cells in liver fluke 
(2) parotid glands in toad
(3) myotomes in fish 
(4) statocysts in prawn 

Answer: (1) flame cells in liver fluke

Q89. What is true about all sponges without exception 

(1) They have a mixed skeleton consisting of spicules and spongin fibres 
(2) They are all marine 
(3) They reproduce only asexually by budding 
(4) They have flagellated collar cells 

Answer: (4) They have flagellated collar cells

Q90. What is common between Ascaris lumbricoides and Anopheles stephensi? 

(1) Anaerobic respiration 
(2) Sexual dimorphism 
(3) Metamerism 
(4) Hibernation 

Answer: (2) Sexual dimorphism

Q91. Indicate the correct statement 

(1) Rat bears cloaca 
(2) Camels have biconcave red blood cells
(3) Platypus lays eggs 
(4) Bat bears feathers 

Answer: (3) Platypus lays eggs

Q92. Cell-tissue-body organisation is characteristic of 

(1) Liver fluke 
(2) Star fish 
(3) Sponge 
(4) Hydra 

Answer: (4) Hydra 

Q93. In desert grasslands which type of animals are relatively more abundant? 

(1) Fussorial 
(2) Arboreal 
(3) Diurnal 
(4) Aquatic 

Answer: (1) Fussorial 

Q94. Most appropriate term to describe the life cycle of Obelia is 

(1) alternation of generations 
(2) metagenesis 
(3) neoteny 
(4) metamorphosis 

Answer: (2) metagenesis 

Q95. In which of the animal’s dimorphic nuclei is found? 

(1) Plasmodium vivax
(2) Amoeba proteus 
(3) Paramecium caudatum  
(4) Trypanosoma gambiense 

Answer: (3) Paramecium caudatum

Q96. In which of the following notochord is present in the embryonic stage? 

(1) Vertebrates 
(2) All chordates 
(3) Non chordates 
(4) Some chordates 

Answer: (2) All chordates

Q97. Cause of mimicry is

(1) protection (defence) 
(2) concealment 
(3) both 
(4) attack (offence) 

Answer: (2) concealment 

Q98. In which of the following, haemocyanin pigment found? 

(1) Echinodermata 
(2) Mollusca 
(3) Lower chordata
(4) Annelida 

Answer: (2) Mollusca 

Q99. In which of the following animal post anal tail is found? 

(1) Scorpion 
(2) Earthworm 
(3) Cobra 
(4) Lower invertebrate 

Answer: (3) Cobra 

Q100. One of the following is a very unique feature of the mammalian body:

(1) Four chambered hearts  
(2) Homeothermy 
(3) Rib cage 
(4) Presence of diaphragm 

Answer: (4) Presence of diaphragm

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