1:Cold like symptoms are caused by which bacteria
(a) Pseudomonas
(b) E.coli
(c) Haemophilus influenza
(d) Haemophilus streptococcus
Answer:(c)Haemophilus influenza
2:In Streptococcus fecalis, the conjugation
takes place at
(a) Pili
(b) Cell membrane
(c) Cell wall
(d) Flagella
Answer:(c)Cell wall
3:The infected mad dogs may contain
(a) Nergi bodies
(b) Niagri bodies
(c) Negri bodies
(d) Neisser bodies
Answer:(c)Negri bodies
4: What disease the Nesser will produce?
(a) Mumps
(b) Rubella
(c) Polio
(d) Measles
Answer:(d) Measles
5:Rancidity in spoiled foods is due to
(a) Lipolytic organisms
(b) Proteolytic organisms
(c) Toxigenic microbes
(d) Saccharolytic microbes
Answer: (a) Lipolytic organisms
6:The Baterium that is most commonly used
in genetic engineering is
(a) Escherichia
(b) Klebsiella
(c) Proteius
(d) Serratia
Answer:(a) Escherichia
7:The functions of plasmid are
(a) DNA replication
(b) Protein synthesis
(c) Cell wall synthesis
(d) None of the above
Answer:(d) None of the above
8:Mycoplasmas are bacterial cells that
(a) Fail to reproduce on artificial meida
(b) Have a rigid cell wall
(c) Are resistant to penicillin
(d) Stain well with Gram’s stain
Answer:(c) Are resistant to penicillin
9:The etiologic agent of botulism is a
(a) Neurotoxin
(b) Endotoxin
(c) Enterotoxin
(d) All of the above
Answer:(a) Neurotoxin
10:The bacterial cells are at their metabolic
peak during
(a) Lag phase
(b) Log
(c) Stationary
(d) Decline
Answer:(b) Log
11:Protein particles which can infect are
(a) Virons
(b) Prions
(c) Nucleoida
(d) None of these
Answer:(b) Prions
12:In most of purple bacteria, the light
harvesting centers are
(a) B 850 & Fe-S
(b) B 850 & B 875
(c) B 845 & B 875
(d) B 850 & B830
Answer:(b) B 850 & B 875
13:Endotoxin produced by gramnegative
bacteria is present in
(a) Peptidoglycan
(b) Lippolysacharide
(c) Theichoic acid
(d) Inner membrane
Answer:(b) Lippolysacharide
14:Which one of the following was Gramnegative, chemolithotrophic bacteria?
(a) Siderococcus
(b) E.coli
(c) Spirellum
(d) Mycoplasms
Answer:(b) E.coli
15:The mode of reproduction which occurs
in mycoplasma is
(a) Budding
(b) Bursting
(c) Binary fission
(d) Binary fusion
Answer:(c) Binary fission
16:Which one of the following is about
Herpes viruses?
(a) Icosahedral, with envelope, ds DNA
(b) Polyhedral with envelope, ds DNA
(c) RNA, helical with envelope
(d) ds DNA, brick shape
Answer:(a) Icosahedral, with envelope, ds DNA
17:Which one of the following produce
typical fried egg appearance colonies on
solid media?
(a) Mycobacteria
(b) Mycoplasts
(c) Mycoplasms
(d) Bacteroides
Answer:(c) Mycoplasms
18:An organism that is osmophilic and has
a specific requirements for sodium
chloride resembles
(a) Halophile
(b) Basophile
(c) Barophile
(d) Xerophile
Answer:(a) Halophile
19:A population of cells derived from a single
cell are called
(a) Monclonal cells
(b) Clones
(c) Protoplasts
(d) Sub culture
Answer:(b) Clones
20:Hetrolactic acid bacteria produce
(a) Lactic acid only
(b) Lactic acid + H2O + CO2
(c) Lactic acid + CO2
(d) Lactic acid + alchohol + CO2
Answer:(d) Lactic acid + alchohol + CO2
21:In which of the follwing microorganism,
conjunction tube was not produced
during conjunction process?
(a) Thiobaillus thiooxidence
(b) T. ferroxidance
(c) Tetrahymena thermophila
(d) Cryptaporiclium
Answer:(a) Thiobaillus thiooxidence
22:Which of the following is most similar to
Rickettsia and Chlamydia?
(a) Bdellovibrio
(b) Clostridium
(c) Mycobacterium
(d) Mycoldaima
Answer:(c) Mycobacterium
23:How would you distinguish pseudomonas
species from E-cloi?
(a) Gram staining
(b) Morphology
(c) Glucose fermentation Vs Respiration
(d) All of the above
Answer:(c) Glucose fermentation Vs Respiration
24:Which of the following is pathogenic to
(a) Spirogyra
(b) Cephaleuros
(c) Prototheca
(d) Both b and c
Answer:(c) Prototheca
25:Tumer inducing plasmids are extensively
used in production of
(a) Avirulent phases
(b) Single cell proteins
(c) Transgenic plants
(d) Nitrogen fixing bacteria
Answer:(c) Transgenic plants
26:The viruses that live as parasites on bacteria are
(a) Fungi
(b) Commensels
(c) Bacteriophages
(d) None of these
Answer:(c) Bacteriophages
27:The anthrax disease is most frequently
infected from
(a) Cattle
(b) Sheeps
(c) Rats
(d) Both a and b
Answer:(d) Both a and b
28:The colonies produced by Pseudomonas
on Mac Conkey’s medium are
(a) Purple colored
(b) Pink colored
(c) Pale colored
(d) Green colored
Answer:(c) Pale colored
29:Staining material of gram positive
bacterium is
(a) Fast green
(b) Haematoxylon
(c) Crystal violet
(d) Safranin
Answer:(c) Crystal violet
30:The pigment present in red algae is
(a) Rhodochrome
(b) Fucoxanthin
(c) Chlorophyll only
(d) Chlorophyll + phycobilin
Answer:(d) Chlorophyll + phycobilin