GSEB Class 10 Head and Body Sections Computer Studies MCQs

(1) Which of the following form basic two sections of an HTML code ?

(A) Head and Body

(B) Physical and Logical

(C) Code and Browser

(D) Meta-tags and Body

Answer: (A) Head and Body

(2) The meta-tags in an HTML document are written in which of the following section ?

(A) Body

(B) Code

(C) Head

(D) Special

Answer: (C) Head

(3) Which of the following about a web page is described when a meta-tag is used in HTML page ?

(A) Author, Purpose and Keywords

(B) Layout

(C) Style

(D) Size

Answer: (A) Author, Purpose and Keywords

(4) Title of a web page is embedded within which of the following tag ?

(A) <p> and </p>

(B) <body> and </body>

(C) <title> and </title>

(D) <h1> and </h1>

Answer: (C) <title> and </title>

(5) In which of the following sections can we add comments in HTML document ?

(A) Head

(B) Body

(C) Head and Body

(D) Head or Body

Answer: (C) Head and Body

(6) Which of the following is used to specify a colour in HTML code ?

(A) Colour code in hexadecimal

(B) Colour code in decimal

(C) Colour mixing model

(D) Pixel in percentage

Answer: (A) Colour code in hexadecimal

(7) Which of the following is used to set a visited link in HTML code ?

(A) alink

(B) vlink

(C) before link

(D) after link

Answer: (B) vlink

(8) Which of the following is used to set an active link in HTML code ?

(A) alink

(B) vlink

(C) before link

(D) after link

Answer: (A) alink

(9) Which of the following are two broad classes of formatting character in HTML ?

(A) Physical and Logical

(B) Internal and External

(C) Temporary and Permanent

(D) Head and Body

Answer: (A) Physical and Logical

(10) What is the full form of URL ?

(A) Unified Resource Locator

(B) Uniform Resource Locator

(C) Unzip Resource Locator

(D) Unformed Resource Locator

Answer: (B) Uniform Resource Locator

(11) How is the tag giving additional information in HTML known ?

(A) Meta tag

(B) Mega tag

(C) Master tag

(D) Main tag

Answer: (A) Meta tag

(12) Which of the following words are used by search engine ?

(A) Main words

(B) Key words

(C) Attribute words

(D) Information words

Answer: (B) Key words

(13) Which tags are used to put comments in HTML ?

(A) </– ………. –>

(B) </– ……….–/>

(C) <– ………. –>

(D) <!– ………. –>

Answer: (D) <!– ………. –>

(14) How is matter less tag known ?

(A) Closing tag

(B) Master tag

(C) Blank tag

(D) Data tag

Answer: (C) Blank tag

(15) Which attribute determines color in HTML ?

(A) Background

(B) Bground

(C) Bgcolor

(D) Backcolor

Answer: (C) Bgcolor

(16) How is the color combination for basic electronic medium known ?

(A) Red, Green, Blue

(B) Red, Green, Yellow

(C) Red, Green, Orange

(D) Red, Yellow, Blue

Answer: (A) Red, Green, Blue

(17) Which element is used for draw a horizontal line ?

(A) <hr />

(B) <hr \>

(C) <hr %>

(D) <hr #>

Answer: (A) <hr />

(18) Which attribute is used for setting the thickness of line ?

(A) Width

(B) Size

(C) Align

(D) No shade

Answer: (B) Size

(19) To arranged text in to paragraph, which tag can be used ?

(A) <p>

(B) <pre>

(C) <para>

(D) <perform>

Answer: (A) <p>

(20) Which tag is used to display the text more emphasis ?

(A) <code>

(B) <strong>

(C) <cite>

(D) <dfn>

Answer: (B) <strong>

(21) Which tag is used to display the text in particle style and size ?

(A) <font>

(B) <code>

(C) <size>

(D) <type>

Answer: (A) <font>

(22) Which attribute decide the color of the text ?

(A) fcolor

(B) bgcolor

(C) color

(D) fontcolor

Answer: (C) color

(23) Which tag is used to display URL in webpage ?

(A) <base>

(B) <basefont>

(C) <baseurl>

(D) <baseu>

Answer: (A) <base>

(24) Which tag is used to set a default font for a entire webpage ?

(A) <font>

(B) <bfont>

(C) <basefont>

(D) <bodyfont>

Answer: (C) <basefont>

(25) Which tag is used to display the header part in HTML document ?

(A) <html>

(B) <head>

(C) <body>

(D) <title>

Answer: (B) <head>

(26) Which tag is used to give link between document and other page ?

(A) <link>

(B) <style>

(C) <dfn>

(D) <meta>

Answer: (A) <link>

(27) Which tag is used to define client script ?

(A) <sc>

(B) <st>

(C) <script>

(D) <webscript>

Answer: (C) <script>

(28) Which tag is used to strike off the text ?

(A) <tt>

(B) <st>

(C) <strike>

(D) <strong>

Answer: (C) <strike>

(29) Which of the following tag draws a line at the bottom of the text ?

(A) <t>

(B) <u>

(C) <b>

(D) <d>

Answer: (B) <u>

(30) Which attribute is used with <hr> tag ?

(A) size, color

(B) width, alignment

(C) noshade

(D) All of these

Answer: (D) All of these